中国区域经济统计年鉴 2001 中英文本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 郑京平等总编辑;国家统计局综合司编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国财政经济出版社
- ISBN:7500567642
- 出版时间:2003
- 标注页数:603页
- 文件大小:28MB
- 文件页数:621页
- 主题词:地区-社会经济统计-统计资料-中国-2001-年鉴
中国区域经济统计年鉴 2001 中英文本PDF格式电子书版下载
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1 行政区划3
1-1 全国行政区划(2000年底)3
Divisions of Administrative Areas in China(End of 2000)3
2 核算4
2-1 国内生产总值(2000年)4
Gross Domestic Product(2000)4
2-2 国内生产总值项目结构(2000年)8
Structure of Gross Domestic Product(2000)8
Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach(2000)9
2-3 支出法国内生产总值(2000年)9
2-4 资本形成总额及构成(2000年)10
Gross Capital Formation and It’s Composition(2000)10
2-5 最终消费及构成(2000年)11
Final Consumption Expenditure and It’s Composition by(2000)11
2-6 居民消费水平(2000年)12
Household Consumption(2000)12
3 人口13
3-1 2000年各地区总人口和性别比13
Total Population and Sex Ratio by Region(2000)13
Family Households and Collective Households And Their Population by Region(2000)14
3-2 2000年各地区家庭户与集体户的总户数和总人口14
3-3 2000年各地区年龄结构15
Age Composition by Region(2000)15
3-4 2000年各地区按城乡分的文盲人口16
Illiterate Population by Urban,Rural Residence and Region(2000)16
4 劳动就业17
4-1 各地区按三次产业分的年底从业人员数(2000年)17
Number of Employed Persons at the Year-end By Type of Industry and Region(2000)17
4-2 按城乡分的年底从业人员数(2000年)18
Number of Employed Persons at the Year-end by Residence in Urban and Rural Areas(2000)18
Number of Employed Persons at the Year-end by Sector(2000)20
4-3 分行业年底从业人员数(2000年)20
4-4 职工工资总额和指数(2000年)23
Total Wages of Staff and Workers and Related Index(2000)23
4-5 职工平均工资及指数(2000年)24
Average Wage of Staff and Workers and Related Indices(2000)24
4-6 分地区职业介绍机构工作情况(2000年)25
Basic Conditions of Employment Services(2000)25
5 固定资产投资27
5-1 按经济类型分的全社会固定资产投资(2000年)27
Total Investment in Fixed Assets by Ownership(2000)27
5-2 按构成和建设性质分的基本建设投资(2000年)29
Investment in Capital Construction by Use of Funds and Type of Construction(2000)29
Investment in Capital Construction by Sector(2000)30
5-3 按国民经济行业分的基本建设投资(2000年)30
5-4 按构成和建设性质分的更新改造投资(2000年)33
Investment in Innovation by Use of Funds and Type of Construction(2000)33
5-5 按国民经济行业分的更新改造投资(2000年)34
Investment in Innovation in 2000 by Sector34
5-6 房地产开发建设投资总规模及完成投资(2000年)37
General Scale of and Actually Completed Investment in Real Estate Development(2000)37
5-7 商品房屋销售情况(2000年)38
Selling of Commercial Houses(2000)38
6 地方财政和物价指数39
6-1 地方财政收入(2000年)39
Final Statement of Government Revenue(2000)39
Final Statement of Government Expenditure(2000)43
6-2 地方财政支出(2000年)43
6-3 居民消费价格指数和商品零售价格指数(2000年)47
Consumer Price Indices and Retail Price Indices of Commodities(2000)47
6-4 居民消费价格分类指数(2000年)48
Consumer Price Indices by Category and(2000)48
6-5 商品零售价格分类指数(2000年)50
Retail Price Indices by Category of Commodities(2000)50
6-6 服务项目价格分类指数(2000年)53
Retail Price Indices by Category of Commodities(2000)53
6-7 农业生产资料价格分类指数(2000年)54
Price Indices of Agricultural Means of Production by Category and(2000)54
Price Indices of Investment in Fixed Assets(2000)55
6-8 固定资产投资价格指数(2000年)55
7-1 城镇居民平均每人全年家庭收入来源(2000年)56
Per Capita Annual Income in Urban Residents by Source(2000)56
7 人民生活56
7-2 城镇居民家庭平均每人全年消费性支出(2000年)57
Per Capita Annual Living Expenditure of Urban Residents(2000)57
7-3 城镇居民家庭平均每百户年底耐用消费品拥有量(2000年)63
Number of Major Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Urban Households at the Year-end(2000)63
7-4 各地区农村居民家庭平均每人按来源分的纯收入(2000年)67
Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households By Source and(2000)67
7-5 农村居民家庭平均每人生活消费支出(2000年)68
Per Capita Living Expenditure of Rural Households(2000)68
Per Capita Living Expenditure in Cash of Rural Households(2000)69
7-6 农村居民家庭平均每人生活消费现金支出(2000年)69
7-7 各地区农村居民家庭平均每百户主要耐用消费品拥有量(2000年底)70
Number of Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Rural Households at the End of 200070
8 城市建设72
8-1 城市房屋建筑及住房情况(2000年)72
Basic Statistics on Building Construction and Housing Condition in Cities(2000)72
8-2 城市自来水情况(2000年)73
Basic Statistics on Tap Water Supply in Cities(2000)73
8-3 城市煤气、液化石油气、天然气情况(2000年)74
Basic Statistics on Supply of Gas,Liquefied Petroleum Gas And Natural Gas in Cities(2000)74
Basic Statistics on Heating in Cities(2000)75
8-4 城市集中供热情况(2000年)75
Basic Statistics on Municipal Engineering in Cities(2000)76
8-5 城市市政工程情况(2000年)76
8-6 城市公共汽(电)车、出租汽车情况(2000年)77
Basic Statistics on Buses,Trolley Buses And Taxis in Cities(2000)77
8-7 城市园林绿化情况(2000年)78
Basic Statistics on Parks,Gardens and Green Areas In Cities(2000)78
8-8 城市公共卫生情况(2000年)79
Basic Statistics on Urban Sanitation in Cities(2000)79
8-9 城市设施水平(2000年)80
Level of Public Facilities in Cities(2000)80
Basic Conditions of Rural Grassroots Units(2000)81
9 农业81
9-1 农村基层组织情况(2000年)81
9-2 乡村劳动力(2000年底数)82
Rural Labor Force by Sector(Year-end 2000)82
9-3 1996年农业普查分地区耕地面积及占全国比重83
Cultivated Area and Percentage to Total Area by Regions(1996)83
9-4 农、林、牧、渔业总产值及指数(2000)84
Gross Output Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry And Fishery and Related In dices(2000)84
9-5 主要农业机械和农产品加工机械年底拥有量(2000年)85
Agricultural Machinery and Machinery For Processing Farm Products at Year-end(2000)85
Irrigated Area,Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers,Number of Hydropower Stations and Electricity Consumption in Rural Areas(2000)87
9-6 有效灌溉面积、农用化肥施用量、农村水电及用电情况(2000年)87
9-7 各地区水利设施和除涝、治碱面积(1998年)88
Water Conservancy Facilities and Area with Flood Prevention Measures and Improved Area of Saline-Alkaline Land by Region(1998)88
9-8 农村居民家庭平均每百户年底拥有主要生产性固定资产数量(2000年)89
Number of Major Productive Fixed Assets Per 100 Rural Households(End of Year 2000)89
9-9 农作物总播种面积(2000年)90
Total Sown Areas of Farm Crops(2000)90
9-10 主要农产品单位面积产量(2000年)93
Yield of Major Farm Crops Per Hectare(2000)93
9-11 主要农产品产量(2000年)94
Yield of Major Farm Crops(2000)94
Output of Major Forest Products(2000)97
9-12 主要林产品产量(2000年)97
9-13 牲畜饲养情况(2000年)98
Number of Livestock(2000)98
9-14 畜产品产量(2000年)100
Output of Livestock Products(2000)100
9-15 水产品产量(2000年)102
Output of Aquatic Products(2000)102
9-16 受灾面积和成灾面积(2000年)104
Areas Covered and Affected by Natural Disaster(2000)104
10 工业105
10-1 全部国有及规模以上非国有工业企业单位数和工业总产值(2000年)105
Number of All State-owned and Non-state-owned Above Designated Size Industrial Enterprises and Their Gross Output Value(2000)105
Main Indicators of All State-owned and Non-state-owned Above Designated Size Industrial Enterprises(2000)109
10-2 全部国有及规模以上非国有工业企业主要指标(2000年)109
10-3 全部国有及规模以上非国有工业企业主要经济效益指标(2000年)112
Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of All State-owned and Non-state-owned Above Designated Size Industrial Enterprises(2000)112
10-4 国有及国有控股工业企业主要指标(2000年)113
Main Indicators of State-owned and State Holding Majority Shares Industrial Enterprises(2000)113
10-5 国有及国有控股工业企业主要经济效益指标(2000年)116
Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of State-owned and State Holding Majority Shares Industrial Enterprises by Region(2000)116
10-6 “三资”工业企业主要指标(2000年)117
Main Indicators of Foreign-funded Industrial Enterprises(2000)117
Main Indicators on Economics Benefit of Foreign-funded Industrial Enterprises(2000)120
10-7 “三资”工业企业主要经济效益指标(2000年)120
10-8 大中型工业企业主要指标(2000年)121
Main Indicators of Large-scale and Medium-scale Industrial Enterprises(2000)121
10-9 大中型工业企业主要经济效益指标(2000年)124
Main Indicators on Economics Benefit of Large-scale and Medium-scale Industrial Enterprises(2000)124
10-10 主要工业产品产量(2000年)125
Output of Major Industrial Products(2000)125
11 建筑业130
11-1 按登记注册类型分的建筑业企业单位数(2000年)130
Number of Construction Enterprises by Registration Status(2000)130
11-2 按登记注册类型分的建筑业企业从业人员(2000年)131
Number of Staff and Workers in Construction Enterprises by Registration Status(2000)131
Number and Power of Machinery and Equipment Owned by Construction Enterprises(2000)132
11-3 建筑业企业技术装备情况(2000年)132
11-4 国有建筑业企业技术装备情况(2000年)133
Number and Power of Machinery and Equipment of State-owned Construction Enterprises(2000)133
11-5 按登记注册类型分的建筑业总产值(2000年)134
Total Output Value of Construction by Registration Status(2000)134
11-6 建筑业企业资产(2000年)135
Assets of Construction Enterprises(2000)135
11-7 建筑业企业负债及所有者权益(2000年)136
Liabilities and Creditors’Equity of Construction Enterprises(2000)136
11-8 建筑业企业利税总额(2000年)137
Total Pre-Tax Profits of Construction Enterprises(2000)137
Labor Productivity of Construction(2000)138
11-9 建筑业劳动生产率(2000年)138
11-10 建筑业企业工程质量(2000年)139
Construction Quality of Construction Enterprises(2000)139
11-11 国有建筑业企业工程质量(2000年)140
Construction Quality of State-Owned Construction Enterprises(2000)140
11-12 房屋建筑面积(2000年)141
Floor Space of Building Construction(2000)141
12 运输邮电业142
12-1 运输线路长度(2000年底)142
Length of Transportation Routes(End of 2000)142
12-2 全社会客运量(2000年)143
Passenger Traffic(2000)143
12-3 全社会旅客周转量(2000年)144
Freight Traffic(2000)145
12-4 全社会货运量(2000年)145
12-5 全社会货物周转量(2000年)146
Freight Ton-kilometers(2000)146
12-6 民用车辆拥有量(2000年)147
Number of Civil Motor Vehicles Owned(2000)147
12-7 私人汽车拥有量(2000年)149
Number of Private-owned Vehicles(2000)149
12-8 营运汽车拥有量(2000年)150
Number of Vehicles for Business Transportation(2000)150
Telecommunications Services(1998)151
12-9 邮电业务量(1998年)151
12-10 邮电局所数及邮递线路(1998年底数)154
Postal and Telecommunications Services Facilities(Year-end 1998)154
12-11 邮电通信电路及长途电信线路(1998年底数)155
Telecommunications Facilities(Year-End 1998)155
12-12 邮电通信设备年末拥有量(1998年)156
Telecommunications Facilities at the Year-end(1998)156
13 商业157
13-1 社会消费品零售总额(按销售单位所在地分)(2000年)157
Total Retail Sale of Consumer Goods by Location of Retailers(2000)157
Total Retail Sale of Consumer Goods by Sector(2000)158
13-2 社会消费品零售总额(按行业分)(2000年)158
13-3 限额以上批发零售贸易、餐饮业法人企业数(2000年,按地区分)159
Number of Corporation Units above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale,Catering Trades(2000)159
13-4 限额以上批发零售贸易、餐饮业产业活动单位数(2000年,按地区分)160
Number of Active Units above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale,Catering Trades(2000)160
13-5 限额以上批发零售贸易、餐饮业从业人数(2000年,按地区分)161
Number of Persons Engaged in Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale,Catering Trades(2000)161
13-6 限额以上批发零售贸易业商品购、销、存总额(2000年,按地区分)162
Total Sales and Inventory of Enterprise above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale Trades(2000)162
13-7 限额以上批发零售贸易企业资产及负债情况(2000年,按地区分)163
Assets and Liability of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale by Region(2000)163
Assets and Liability of Enterprises above Designated Size in Catering Trade by Region(2000)164
13-8 限额以上餐饮企业资产及负债情况(2000年,按地区分)164
13-9 限额以上批发零售贸易企业主要财务指标情况(2000年,按地区分)165
Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail by Region(2000)165
13-10 限额以上餐饮企业主要财务指标情况(2000年,按地区分)166
Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size in Catering Trade by Region(2000)166
14 对外经济167
14-1 各地区进出口总额(2000年)167
Import and Export Value(2000)167
14-2 各地区外商投资企业进出口商品总值168
Value of Import and Export Goods of Foreign-Funded Enterprises168
14-3 实际利用外商直接和其他投资额169
Actually Used Foreign Direct and Other Investment169
Basic Indicators of Registered Foreign-funded Enterprises at the Year-end(2000)170
14-4 外商投资企业年末登记情况(2000年)170
15 旅游171
15-1 旅行社单位数和职工人数(2000年底)171
Number of Travel Agencies and Staff and Workers(End of 2000)171
15-2 按经济类型分的涉外饭店个数(2000年底)172
Number of Tourist Hotels by Ownership(End of 2000)172
15-3 按规模分的涉外饭店个数(2000年底)173
Number of Tourist Hotels by Capacity(End of 2000)173
15-4 国际旅游外汇收入174
Foreign Exchange Earnings and It’s Composition174
Number of Foreign Tourists175
15-5 接待国际旅游人数175
16 教育科技文化事业176
16-1 高等学校分类别学校数(2000年)176
Number of Institutions of Higher Education by Type(2000)176
16-2 中等专业学校数(2000年)178
Number of Specialized Secondary Schools by Type(2000)178
16-3 高等学校和中等专业学校学生数(2000年)179
Enrollment of Institutions of Higher Education and Specialized Secondary Schools(2000)179
16-4 普通中学分城乡学校和在校学生数(2000年)180
Number of Regular Secondary Schools and Student Enrollment by Urban and Rural Areas(2000)180
16-5 普通中学分城乡招生数和毕业生数(2000年)182
Number of New Student Enrollment and Graduates of Regular Secondary Schools by Urban and Rural Areas(2000)182
Basic Statistics on Primary Schools by Urban and Rural Areas(2000)184
16-6 小学分城乡学校数和在校学生数(2000年)184
16-7 幼儿园基本情况(2000年)186
Basic Statistics on Kindergartens(2000)186
16-8 教育经费来源和支出情况(1999年)187
Sources of Educational Funds and Expenditures for Education(1999)187
16-9 县级以上政府部门属研究与开发机构及科技信息与文献机构、人员数(2000年)188
State-Owned Research and Development Institutions and Information and Literature Institutions at and Above County Level and Persons Engaged(2000)188
16-10 县级以上政府部门属研究与开发机构及科技信息与文献机构科技经费筹集和支出总额(2000年)190
Total Funds and Total Expenditures of State-Owned Research and Development Institutions and Information and Literature Institutions at and above County Level(2000)190
16-11 技术市场成交额192
Transaction Value in Technical Market by Region192
Number of Scientific and Technical Personnel in State-owned Enterprises and Institutions at the Year-end193
16-12 国有企事业单位年底专业技术人员数193
16-13 三种专利申请受理和批准量(2000年)194
Three Types of Patent Applications Examined and Granted(2000)194
16-14 文化艺术、文物事业单位数(2000年)195
Number of Institutions for Culture,Art and Cultural Relics(2000)195
16-15 图书、杂志和报纸出版情况196
Number of Books,Magazines and Newspaper Published in China196
16-16 图书纯销售情况(2000年)197
Net Sales of Books(2000)197
17 卫生福利环保和事故198
17-1 卫生机构、床位数(2000年)198
Number of Health Institutions,Beds and Persons Engaged(2000)198
Number of Persons Engaged in Health Institutions(2000)199
17-2 卫生机构人员数(2000年)199
Basic Statistics on Urban Welfare Facilities and Rural Social Security Network(2000)200
17-3 城镇社区服务设施和农村社会保障网络基本情况(2000年)200
17-4 离休、退休、退职人员年底人数(2000年)201
Number of Retired and Resigned Persons at the Year-end(2000)201
17-5 婚姻登记和离婚情况(2000年)202
Number of Marriages and Divorces(2000)202
17-6 环保系统机构、人员数(2000年)203
Environmental Protection Agencies and Persons Engaged(2000)203
17-7 工业废水排放及处理情况(2000年)204
Discharge and Treatment of Industrial Waste Water(2000)204
Emission and Treatment of Industrial Waste Gas(2000)205
17-8 工业废气排放及处理情况(2000年)205
17-9 工业固体废物产生及处理利用情况(2000年)207
Discharge,Treatment and Utilization of Industrial Solid Wastes(2000)207
17-10 环境污染与破坏事故情况(2000年)209
Pollution Accidents(2000)209
17-11 各地区生活污染物排放情况(2000年)210
Discharge of Pollutants from Daily Life by Region(2000)210
17-12 各地区自然保护工作基本情况(2000年)211
Basic Situation of Natural Protection Work by Region(2000)211
Natural Conditions/City Construction215
Population/Households/Population Density225
Economically Active Population/Employed Population235
Employed Population/Urban Registered Unemployed245
Staff and Workers/Rural Laborers/Cultivated Areas/Gross Output Value of Agriculture255
Indices of Gross Output Value of Agriculture/Conditions of Agriculture265
Yield of Farm Crops275
Number of Enterprises/Gross Output Value of Industry285
Gross Output Value of Industry295
Output Value of Industry/Economic Benefit of Industry305
Outlets in Wholesale Retail Sales Trade/Value of Retail Sales in Wholesale Retail Sales315
Value of Retail Sales in Wholesale Retail Sales/Transaction Value of free markets325
Foreign Direct Investment/Gross Domestic Product335
Indices of Gross Domestic Product345
Revenue of Local Governments/Expenditure of Local Governments355
Deposits of Financial Institutions/Loans of Financial Institutions365
Wages of Staff and Workers/Total Investment in Fixed Assets375
Investment in Fixed Assets by Channel of Management/Selling of Commercial Houses385
Main Indicators on Construction Enterprises395
Length of Highways/City Transportation/Post and Telecommunication405
Kindergartens/Primary Schools415
Regular Secondary School425
Specialized Secondary Schools/Senior Secondary Schools435
Water Supply/Residents with Access to Tap Water/Gas Supply455
Liquefied Petrolem Gas Supply/Discharge Treatment of Residential Waste465
Area of Parks/Percentage of Green Area/Health Care Institutions475
Beds in Health Care Institutions/Personnel Working in Health Care Institutions485
Fires/Traffic Accidents495
Urban Residential Building/Pollution505
Income and Expenditure of Urban Households/Income and Expenditure of Rural Households515
Main Indicators of All State-owned and Non-state-owned above Designated Size Industrial Enterprises with an Annual Sales Income of over 5 Million Yuan527
Main Indicators of Construction Enterprises558
Main Indicators of Large Retail Trades Enterprises589
Main Indicators of Large Enterprises599
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- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_1906213.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2223356.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2426155.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_394184.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2145727.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2561354.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2291073.html