托福小红书系列 托福写作高分范文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 谢侃著 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国宇航出版社
- ISBN:9787515912844
- 出版时间:2017
- 标注页数:209页
- 文件大小:30MB
- 文件页数:225页
- 主题词:TOEFL-写作-自学参考资料
托福小红书系列 托福写作高分范文PDF格式电子书版下载
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01 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Spending too much time on watching sports on TV and following your favorite team would have a bad effect on your life1
01 你是否同意以下观点:过分地关注体育节目和关注喜爱的体育队伍会对你的生活有不良影响?3
02 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises5
02 你是否同意以下观点:看书、看电影比做体育运动更有利于人们放松?7
03 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents must have strict rules to help their children to be successful9
03 你是否同意以下观点:父母应该设立严格的规矩帮助孩子们获得成功?11
04 Some people prefer to buy technological devices as soon as they are available to the public.Others prefer to wait until many people have used them.Which do you prefer?13
04 对于一款刚刚面世的科技产品,一些人倾向于立刻购买,另一些人倾向于等很多人用过之后再购买。你更喜欢哪种做法?15
05 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who cannot accept criticism from others will not be successful in work17
05 你是否同意以下观点:听不进他人批评的人是不会在工作中获得成功的?19
06 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important investment of a company is to improve the work skills of the employee21
06 你是否同意以下观点:一个企业最重要的投资是提升员工的工作技能?23
07 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are more likely to invest their time and efforts in improving the world than young people were in the past25
07 你是否同意以下观点:现在的年轻人比以前的年轻人更有可能花时间和精力来让世界变得更美好?27
08 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Compared with the ability to make new friends easily,the ability to maintain friendship with a small group of people is more important and decides your happiness29
08 你是否同意以下观点:与结识新朋友的能力相比,与一小部分人维持感情的能力更重要,也对你的幸福起到决定作用?31
09 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important for everyone to know about what is happening around the world even though the events have not affected our daily lives33
09 你是否同意以下观点:每个人都有必要去了解世界上发生的事件,即便它们尚未影响到我们目前的生活?36
10 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? As modern life becomes more complex,it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize37
10 你是否同意以下观点:随着社会生活变得越来越复杂,年轻人具备计划能力和组织能力至关重要?40
11 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People often buy products not because they really need them but because others have them41
11 你是否同意以下观点:人们购买东西经常不是因为他们真的需要,而是因为其他人已经买了?43
12 Which factor influences you the most when it comes to a major purchase? 1)recommendations from your friends or colleagues;2)information from media;3)salesman in the market45
12 当你要购买重要物品时,哪一个因素对你影响最大:1)朋友和同事的意见;2)媒体的信息;3)市场上的销售人员?48
13 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Rather than help children with schoolwork,parents should encourage kids to work independently49
13 你是否同意以下观点:家长应该鼓励孩子独立做作业,而非帮他们做作业?51
14 Which do you prefer? Some people would like to upload pictures and other information on social networking websites while others do not like to create such records53
14 有些人喜欢把照片和其他个人信息上传到社交网络,而有些人不喜欢在网络上生成这样的信息。你倾向于哪一种?56
15 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Being creative rather than planning carefully will come up with the best solution to a problem57
15 你是否同意以下观点:“随机应变”,而不是“严密计划”,才能帮助我们找到最佳的问题解决方案?60
16 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Honesty is the most important thing to consider in deciding whom to vote for,when you are electing a student leader for a student organization or a club61
16 你是否同意以下观点:当你在选择学生社团组织或俱乐部领导的时候,诚信是决定你投票的最重要的考虑因素?64
17 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are more willing to help others than those in the past65
17 你是否同意以下观点:现在的年轻人比以前的人更愿意帮助他人?67
18 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All university students should be required to take basic science courses even if they are not in the career goal69
18 你是否同意以下观点:所有的大学生都应该被要求参加基础的科学课程,即使这不在学生们的职业目标中?71
19 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People will spend less time cooking and preparing foods in twenty years than they do today73
19 你是否同意以下观点:20年后人们花在做饭和准备食材上的时间会越来越少?75
20 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should spend money on keeping pets even though they have better ways to use the money77
20 你是否同意以下观点:即使有更好的花钱用处,人们还是应该花钱饲养宠物?79
21 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to finish a project and move on to the next one than to take on two or more projects simultaneously81
21 你是否同意以下观点:做完一个项目再开始下一个项目的做法要好于同时着手两个或更多个项目?84
22 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should offer Internet access to all of the citizens at no cost85
22 你是否同意以下观点:政府应该免费为所有民众提供互联网接入服务?87
23 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should follow ambitious goals rather than realistic goals89
23 你是否同意以下观点:人们应该制订高远的目标,而不是现实的目标?91
24 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All university students should be required to take history courses despite their majors93
24 你是否同意以下观点:所有的大学生,不管专业如何,都应该被要求学习基础的历史 课程?95
25 If you have a long-time friend,will you continue the friendship even he or she does something you do not like?97
25 如果你有一个认识很久的朋友,他/她做了一些你不喜欢的事,你还会继续你们的友谊吗?99
26 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most effective way for governments to encourage energy conservation is to increase the prices of gasoline and electricity101
26 你是否同意以下观点:政府提高民众节能意识的最有效的方法是提高油费和电费?103
27 In order to attract more tourists,which should government do: to improve the safety by hiring more police or to repair old buildings and streets?105
27 为了吸引更多的游客,政府应该雇用更多警察来加强安全防范,还是修缮古老的建筑和街道?107
28 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Space exploration is a waste of money109
28 你是否同意以下观点:太空探索是浪费金钱?111
29 The school has been funding for students to participate in different types of activities,but this year,due to the lack of money,the school will fund only one activity.Which one should the school fund: sports,arts or volunteering?113
29 学校一直对不同的学生活动进行资助,但今年由于财政困难,只能资助一项活动,你认为下列哪项活动应该得到学校资助:体育运动、艺术,还是志愿者活动?116
30 Some students have to get to school at an early hour in the morning.Some people think that starting school day early is a good approach to support learning,while others think that starting school day at a late hour is a good approach to suppo learning.Which way do you prefer?117
30 一些学生不得不每天早晨早早到学校开始学习。有人认为每天早点开始上学有利于学习,而有的人认为每天晚点开始上学有利于学习。你更倾向于哪种方式?119
31 High-school students are required to study many different subjects at the same time or they should study only three or four subjects at a time.Which do you prefer?121
31 高中生被要求同时学习许多不同的课程或者他们应该每次只学习三四门课程。你更同意哪种观点?123
32 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Life today is easier and more comfortable than it was when your grandparents were children125
32 你是否同意以下观点:比起你祖父母小时候的生活,当今的生活更加轻松、舒适?127
33 Some people are more content with the life in the big city,while others think that they will be more satisfied to live in the village.Which do you prefer?129
33 一些人更愿意生活在大城市,一些人更喜欢生活在小村庄。你更喜欢哪一种?131
34 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing sports makes people learn a lot about life133
34 你是否同意以下观点:运动教会了人们很多人生哲理?135
35 Should people be open to new ideas and willing to change their own ideas?137
35 人们应该乐于接受新思想并愿意改变自己的想法吗?139
36 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the best way that parents can help their children prepare for future life is to encourage them to take a part-time job141
36 你是否同意以下观点:父母能够帮助他们的孩子面对未来生活的最好方法之一是鼓励他们做兼职工作?143
37 A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill.School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking,managing personal finances or auto repair.Which do you think the school should require students to take? Why?145
37 一所高中决定让所有学生都上一门可以学到一项实用技能的课程,学校管理者正在设法确定开设以下哪一门:烹饪课、理财课还是汽修课。你认为学校应当要求学生学习哪门课?为什么?148
38 The university has assigned tasks for students in summer vacation: to attend a course irrelevant to their major,or to do community services.Which do you prefer?149
38 某大学为学生布置了暑期任务:参加一门与自己专业不相关的课程,或者给社区提供服务。你更喜欢哪一个?151
39 In today’s world,which ability is more important: cooperative ability or leadership?153
39 在当今世界,合作能力与领导能力,哪种能力更重要?155
40 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is difficult for teachers to be both popular among students and effective in helping with students’ study157
40 你是否同意以下观点:老师很难做到既受学生欢迎,又能高效帮助他们学习?159
41 Which kind of job do you prefer: the job with regular income and regular hours or the job with high income and long hours?161
41 你更喜欢哪种工作:正常工资、正常工时的工作,还是高工资、长工时的工作?163
42 Which kind of people are more conducive to group work: obedient people or dissident people?165
42 异见者和顺服者,哪一种人更有利于团队工作?167
43 Some people prefer city life,while others prefer rural life.Which kind of life do you prefer?169
43 有些人喜欢城市生活,有些人喜欢农村生活。你更喜欢哪一种生活?171
44 Have the government done enough job to make people keep a balanced lifestyle and healthy diet?173
44 政府有没有在教育人们保持平衡的生活方式、养成良好的饮食习惯方面做足够的工作?175
45 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is appropriate for athletes and entertainers to engage in politics177
45 你是否同意以下观点:职业运动员和娱乐行业者适合转而从政?179
46 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Today’s people are better in protecting environment than people in the past181
46 你是否同意以下观点:与过去的人相比,现代人能更好地保护环境?183
47 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Communicative skills are of great importance to the career success of leaders185
47 你是否同意以下观点:沟通能力对政治领导或其他领导的职业生涯的作用很大?187
48 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government should make preschool education free of charge189
48 你是否同意以下观点:政府应该取消学前教育的收费?191
49 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teenagers today have no influence on the important decisions that determine the future of society as a whole193
49 你是否同意以下观点:如今的青少年对决定整个社会未来的重大决策无影响?195
50 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should try different jobs before determining a lifelong career?197
50 你是否同意以下观点:年轻人在决定自己终身职业前应该尝试不同的工作?199
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