椭圆曲线 第2版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (德)胡斯迈勒著 著
- 出版社: 北京;西安:世界图书出版公司
- ISBN:9787510033032
- 出版时间:2011
- 标注页数:491页
- 文件大小:66MB
- 文件页数:510页
- 主题词:椭圆曲线-研究生-教材-英文
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Introduction to Rational Points on Plane Curves1
1 Rational Lines in the Projective Plane2
2 Rational Points on Conics4
3 Pythagoras,Diophantus,and Fermat7
4 Rational Cubics and Mordell's Theorem10
5 The Group Law on Cubic Curves and Elliptic Curves13
6 Rational Points on Rational Curves.Faltings and the Mordell Conjecture17
7 Real and Complex Points on Elliptic Curves19
8 The Elliptic Curve Group Law on the Intersection of Two Quadrics in Projective Three Space20
1 Elementary Properties of the Chord-Tangent Group Law on a Cubic Curve23
1 Chord-Tangent Computational Methods on a Normal Cubic Curve23
2 Illustrations of the Elliptic Curve Group Law28
3 The Curves with Equations y2=x3十ax and y2=x3+a34
4 Multiplication by 2 on an Elliptic Curve38
5 Remarks on the Group Law on Singular Cubics41
2 Plane Algebraic Curves45
1 Projective Spaces45
2 Irreducible Plane Algebraic Curves and Hypersurfaces47
3 Elements of Intersection Theory for Plane Curves50
4 Multiple or Singular Points52
Appendix to Chapter 2:Factorial Rings and Elimination Theory57
1 Divisibility Properties of Factorial Rings57
2 Factorial Properties of Polynomial Rings59
3 Remarks on Valuations and Algebraic Curves60
4 Resultant of Two Polynomials61
3 Elliptic Curves and Their Isomorphisms65
1 The Group Law on a Nonsingular Cubic65
2 Normal Forms for Cubic Curves67
3 The Discriminant and the Invariantj70
4 Isomorphism Classification in Characteristics≠2,373
5 Isomorphism Classification in Characteristic 375
6 Isomorphism Classification in Characteristic 276
7 Singular Cubic Curves80
8 Parameterization of Curves in Characteristic Unequal to 2 or 382
4 Families of Elliptic Curves and Geometric Properties of Torsion Points85
1 The Legendre Family85
2 Families of Curves with Points of Order 3:The Hessian Family88
3 The Jacobi Family91
4 Tate's Normal Form for a Cubic with a Torsion Point92
5 An Explicit 2-Isogeny95
6 Examples of Noncyclic Subgroups of Torsion Points101
5 Reduction mod P and Torsion Points103
1 Reduction mod P of Projective Space and Curves103
2 Minimal Normal Forms for an Elliptic Curve106
3 Good Reduction of Elliptic Curves109
4 The Kernel of Reduction mod P and the P-Adic Filtration111
5 Torsion in Elliptic Curves over Q:Nagell-Lutz Theorem115
6 Computability of Torsion Points on Elliptic Curves from Integrality and Divisibility Properties of Coordinates118
7 Bad Reduction and Potentially Good Reduction120
8 Tate's Theorem on Good Reduction over the Rational Numbers122
6 Proof of Mordell's Finite Generation Theorem125
1 A Condition for Finite Generation of an Abelian Group125
2 Fermat Descent and x4+y4=1127
3 Finiteness of(E(Q):2E(Q))for E=E[a,b]128
4 Finiteness of the Index(E(k):2E(k))129
5 Quasilinear and Quasiquadratic Maps132
6 The General Notion of Height on Projective Space135
7 The Canonical Height and Norm on an Elliptic Curve137
8 The Canonical Height on Projective Spaces over Global Fields140
7 Galois Cohomology and Isomorphism Classification of Elliptic Curves over Arbitrary Fields143
1 Galois Theory:Theorems of Dedekind and Artin143
2 Group Actions on Sets and Groups146
3 Principal Homogeneous G-Sets and the First Cohomology Set H1(G,A)148
4 Long Exact Sequence in G-Cohomology151
5 Some Calculations with Galois Cohomology153
6 Galois Cohomology Classification of Curves with Given j-Invariant155
8 Descent and Galois Cohomology157
1 Homogeneous Spaces over Elliptic Curves157
2 Primitive Descent Formalism160
3 Basic Descent Formalism163
9 Elliptic and Hypergeometric Functions167
1 Quotients of the Complex Plane by Discrete Subgroups167
2 Generalities on Elliptic Functions169
3 The Weierstrass ?-Function171
4 The Differential Equation for ?(z)174
5 Preliminaries on Hypergeometric Functions179
6 Periods Associated with Elliptic Curves:Elliptic Integrals183
10 Theta Functions189
1 Jacobi q-Parametrization:Application to Real Curves189
2 Introduction to Theta Functions193
3 Embeddings of a Torus by Theta Functions195
4 Relation Between Theta Functions and Elliptic Functions197
5 The Tate Curve198
6 Introduction to Tate's Theory of P-Adic Theta Functions203
11 Modular Functions209
1 Isomorphism and Isogeny Classification of Complex Tori209
2 Families of Elliptic Curves with Additional Structures211
3 The ModularCurvesX(N),X1(N),and X0(N)215
4 Modular Functions220
5 The L-Function of a Modular Form222
6 Elementary Properties of Euler Products224
7 Modular Forms for Г0(N),Г1(N),and г(N)227
8 Hecke Operators:New Forms229
9 Modular Polynomials and the Modular Equation230
12 Endomorphisms of Elliptic Curves233
1 Isogenies and Division Points for Complex Tori233
2 Symplectic Pairings on Lattices and Division Points235
3 Isogenies in the General Case237
4 Endomorphisms and Complex Multiplication241
5 The Tate Module of an Elliptic Curve245
6 Endomorphisms and the Tate Module246
7 Expansions Near the Origin and the Formal Group248
13 Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields253
1 The Riemann Hypothesis for Elliptic Curves over a Finite Field253
2 Generalities on Zeta Functions of Curves over a Finite Field256
3 Definition of Supersingular Elliptic Curves259
4 Number of Supersingular Elliptic Curves263
5 Points ofOrder P and Supersingular Curves265
6 The Endomorphism Algebra and Supersingular Curves266
7 Summary of Criteriafor a Curve To Be Supersingular268
8 Tate's Description of Homomorphisms270
9 Division Polynomial272
14 Elliptic Curves over Local Fields275
1 The Canonical P-Adic Filtration on the Points of an Elliptic Curve over a Local Field275
2 The Néron Minimal Model277
3 Galois Criterion of Good Reduction of Néron-Ogg-Safarevi?280
4 Elliptic Curves over the Real Numbers284
15 Elliptic Curves over Global Fields and e-Adic Representations291
1 Minimal Discriminant Normal Cubic Forms over a Dedekind Ring291
2 Generalities on ?-Adic Representations293
3 Galois Representations and the Néron-Ogg-Safarevi?Criterion in the Global Case296
4 Ramification Properties of ?-Adic ReDresentations of Number Fields:Cebotarev's Density Theorem298
5 Rationality Properties of Frobenius Elements in ?-Adic Representations:Variation of ?301
6 Weight Properties of Frobenius Elements in ?-Adic Representations:Faltings'Finiteness Theorem303
7 Tate's Conjecture,Safarevi?'s Theorem,and Faltings'Proof305
8 Image of ?-Adic Representations of Elliptic Curves:Serre's Open Image Theorem307
16 L-Function of an Elliptic Curve and Its Analytic Continuation309
1 Remarks on Analytic Methods in Arithmetic309
2 Zeta Functions ofCurves over Q310
3 Hasse-Weil L-Function and the Functional Equation312
4 Classical Abelian L-Functions and Their Functional Equations315
5 Gr?ssencharacters and Hecke L-Functions318
6 Deuring's Theorem on the L-Function of an Elliptic Curve with Complex Multiplication321
7 Eichler-Shimura Theory322
8 The Modular Curve Conjecture324
17 Remarks on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture325
1 The Conjecture Relating Rank and Order of Zero325
2 Rank Conjecture for Curves with Complex Multiplication Ⅰ,by Coates and Wiles326
3 Rank Conjecture for Curves with Complex Multiplication Ⅱ,byGreenberg and Rohrlich327
4 Rank Coniecture for Modular Curves bv Gross and Zagier328
5 Goldfeld's Work on the Class Number Problem and Its Relation to the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture328
6 The Conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer on the Leading Term329
7 Heegner Points and the Derivative of the L-function at s=1,after Gross and Zagier330
8 Remarks On Postscript:October 1986331
18 Remarks on the Modular Elliptic Curves Conjecture and Fermat's Last Theorem333
1 Semistable Curves and Tate Modules334
2 The Frey Curve and the Reduction of Fermat Equation to Modular Elliptic Curves over Q335
3 Modular Elliptic Cuives and the Hecke Algebra336
4 Hecke Algebras and Tate Modules of Modular Elliptic Curves338
5 Special Properties of mod 3 Representations339
6 Deformation Theory and ?-Adic Representations339
7 Properties of the Universal Deformation Ring341
8 Remarks on the Proof of the Opposite Inequality342
9 Survey of the Nonsemistable Case of the Modular Curve Conjecture342
19 Higher Dimensional Analogs of Elliptic Curves: Calabi-Yau Varieties345
1 Smooth Manifolds:Real Differential Geometry347
2 Complex Analytic Manifolds:Complex Differential Geometry349
3 K?hler Manifolds352
4 Connections,Curvature,and Holonomy356
5 Proiective Spaces,Characteristic Classes,and Curvature361
6 Characterizations of Calabi-Yau Manifolds:First Examples366
7 Examples of Calabi-Yau Varieties from Toric Geometry369
8 Line Bundles and Divisors:Picard and Néron-Severi Groups371
9 Numerical Invariants of Surfaces374
10 Enriques Classification for Surfaces377
11 Introduction to K3 Surfaces378
20 Families of Elliptic Curves383
1 Algebraic and Analytic Geometry384
2 Morphisms Into Projective Spaces Determined by Line Bundles,Divisors,and Linear Systems387
3 Fibrations Especially Surfaces Over Curves390
4 Generalities on Elliptic Fibrations of Surfaces Over Curves392
5 Elliptic K3 Surfaces395
6 Fibrations of 3 Dimensional Calabi-Yau Varieties397
7 Three Examples of Three Dimensional Calabi-Yau Hypersurfaces in Weight Projective Four Space and Their Fibfings400
Appendix Ⅰ:Calabi-Yau Manifolds and String Theory403
Stefan Theisen403
Why String Theory?403
Basic Properties404
String Theories in Ten Dimensions406
Appendix Ⅱ:Elliptic Curves in Algorithmic Number Theory and Cryptography413
Otto Forster413
1 Applications in Algorithmic Number Theory413
1.1 Factorization413
1.2 Deterministic Primality Tests415
2 Elliptic Curves in Cryptography417
2.1 The Discrete Logarithm417
2.2 Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange417
2.3 Digital Signatures418
2.4 Algorithms for the Discrete Logarithm419
2.5 Counting the Number of Points421
2.6 Schoof's Algorithm421
2.7 Elkies Primes423
Appendix Ⅲ:Elliptic Curves and Topological Modular Forms425
1 Categories in a Category427
2 Groupoids in a Category429
3 Cocategories over Commutative Algebras:Hopf Algebroids431
4 The Category WT(R)and the Weierstrass Hopf Algebroid434
5 Morphisms of Hopf Algebroids:Modular Forms438
6 The Role of the Formal Group in the Relation Between Elliptic Curves and General Cohomology Theory441
7 The Cohomology Theory or Spectrum tmf443
Appendix Ⅳ:Guide to the Exercises445
Ruth Lawrence465
List of Notation479
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