第四届国际非线性力学会议论文集 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 钱伟长主编 著
- 出版社: 上海:上海大学出版社
- ISBN:7810580779
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:1323页
- 文件大小:296MB
- 文件页数:1346页
- 主题词:
第四届国际非线性力学会议论文集 英文版PDF格式电子书版下载
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Rigid Triple Pendulum with Frictionless Rigid Unilateral Constraints as a Model for Some Technical Objects&J.Awrejcewicz G.Kudra1
The Influence of Biasing Fields on the Behavior of Piezoelectric Materials&Eveline Baesu Feng-hong Liu9
Some Aspects of Nonlinear Dynamics of Discontinuous Mechanical Systems&Dick H.Van Campen14
Roughness and Sign Statistics of Fluid Mechanics&Shi-yi Chen14
Mechanics and Materials Research and Challenges in the Twenty-First Century&Ken P.Chong14
Application of Nonlinear Mechanics in Traffic Flow Research&Shi-qiang Dai Li-yun Dong Yu Xue22
On Basic Laws and Principles for Continuum Field Theories&Tian-min Dai29
A New Description of Stress State&Yu-chen Gao42
Nonlinear Effects in Wave Scattering and Generation Due to Flow Interaction with Topography&Roger Grimshaw43
On the Basic Relationships of the Flow Theory for Strain-Hardening Plastic Solids&A.N.Guz51
On Dissipative Nonlinear Evolutionary Problems in Mechanics&Din-yu Hsieh Shao-qiang Tang54
A Unified Coordinates Approach to Computational Fluid Dynamics&W.H.Hui58
Hyperelastic Media,Acceleration Waves and a Layered Half-Space&A.Jeffrey68
Duality for Entropy Optimization and Its Applications&Xing-si Li Shao-hua Pan79
Weakly Nonlinear Stability of Moving Jet of Fiber Suspension&Jian-zhong Lin Chang-bin Wang Ze-xuan Zhou85
A Vital Innovation in Hamilton Principle and Its Extension to Initial-Value Problems&Gao-lian Liu90
Flow Stress Anisotropy in Textured Sheet Metals&Chi-sing Man98
Essential Concepts and Applications of Eshelbian Nonlinear Material Mechanics&G.A.Maugin102
Lessons from Damage to Pile Foundation Caused by Past Earthquakes in Japan and the Necessity of Nonlinear Analyses of Pile Foundation&Fusanori Miura109
Nonlinear Analysis of Smart Composite Plates&J.N.Reddy116
Surface Tension Driven Breakup of Viscoelastic Jets&Michael Renardy129
On Generalized Routh'S Equations and Variational Principles in Poincaré and Chetayev Variables&Valentin V.Rumyantsev132
Anisotropic Materials with Invariant Kirchhoff Shear Modulus&Jan Rychlewski137
An Les/Caa Method to Simulate Trailing Edge Noise&Wolfgang Schr?der R.Ewert W.A.El-Askary M.Meinke141
A Nonlinear Viscoplasticity Theory for Transversely Isotropic Materials&A.J.M.Spencer149
Large Deformation Contact of High-Elastic Bodies&G.Szefer D.Kêdzior155
Higher Order Shock Conditions for Curved Shocks in Unsteady Flows&Lu Ting Denis Blackmore160
A Nonlinear Flexible Wing Theory for Modeling Bird Flight and Fish Swimming&Theodore Yaotsu Wu165
Ⅱ.1 The Theory of Finite Deformation,Constitutive Models,The Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity174
A Simple Method for Calculating Interracial Wave Speed&Zong-xi Cai Yi-bin Fu174
A Porous Constitutive Description Based on Analysis of a Cylindrical Void-Cell Model&Bin Chen Xiang-he Peng Jing-hong Fan180
A Viscoelastic Constitutive Model Based on Nonlinear Evolutionary Internal Variables&Jian-kang Chen Pei-jun Wei Zhu-ping Huang183
Study on Heat Conduction with Nonlinear Boundary and Phase Transition during Quenching&Jun-suo Chen Wei-liang Hu Yi-hong Guan Zi-liang Li Miao Zhang187
On the Response Functions of Hyperelastic Materials with Internal Constraints&Liang-sen Chen Ming-fu Fu193
Nonlinear Elasto-Viscoplastic Model for Concrete Subject to Impact Loading&Shu-yu Chen197
Propagation of Phase Boundary Involving Reverse Transition under Impulsive Loading&Xiang-yu Dai Z.P Tang Song-lin Xu Yang-bo Guo200
New Laws and Principles for Continuum Mechanics-Part Ⅰ.Balance Laws and Equations&Tian-min Dai206
New Laws and Principles for Continuum Mechanics-Part Ⅱ.Energy Rate and Power&Tian-min Dai210
Small Crack Tip Cyclic Behavior in Dual-Phase Al-Si Alloys&Jing-hong Fan David L.Mcdowell Mark F.Horstemeyer Ken Gall213
Multi-Scale Cyclic Plasticity with Size Effects&Jing-hong Fan Zhi-hui Gao Xiang-guo Zeng220
A Pysically-Based Meso-Electro-Mechanical Model for Pmn-Pt-Bt Ceramics Behavior&Jing-hong Fan226
A Phenomenological Model for the Non-Linear Magnetomechanical Coupling in Ferromagnetic Materials&Dai-ning Fang Xue Feng Keh-chih Hwang231
Damage Mechanism Based on Incompatible Deformation&Ming-fu Fu Wu-gui Jiang H.Stumpf235
Landau-Ginzburg Solution for Imperfect Ferroelectrics&D.Gao J.F.Li D.Viehland242
Elasto-Plastic Analytical Solution for an Internally Pressurized Thick-Walled Cylinder Using a Strain Gradient Plasticity Theory&X.-L.Gao249
Elastic Waves in an Elastic Madium Containing an Inclusion with Interfaces&Chao Hu Feng-ming Li Wen-hu Huang256
The Recent Advances in Tensor Representation&Yong-nian Huang262
A Moving Griffith Crack in an Anisotropic Piezoelectric Material&Ai Kah Soh Jin-xi Liu Kwok Lun Lee267
Asymptotic Dynamic Solution to the Mode Ⅱ Propagating Crack-Tip Field in Elastic-Viscoplastic Material&Fan-chun Li Qing Chen272
A Spherical Cavity-Expansion Penetration Model for Concrete Targets with Crushing Effects&Yi-han Lin Di Zhang277
The Chaotic Phenomena on the Low Cycle Fatigue Crack Propagation&Chang-hong Liu Qiu Chen281
Guided Harmonic Waves in Two-Layered Piezoelectric Plate&J.M.Orellana B.Collet284
Analysis of Polycrystal Cyclic Plasticity with a Nonclassical Hardening Law and Hill'S Self-Consistent Scheme&Xiang-he Peng Ling Wan Xiao-min Zhang289
Thermoelectroelastic Solutions for Internal Bone Remodelling Process&Q.H.Qin294
A Model of the Thermo-Diffuso-Mechanical Problem in the Framework of the Generalized Standard Media.Implementation to Elastic and Viscoelastic Polymers&G.Rambert J.C.Grandidier L.Cang émi Y.Meimon298
Cavitated Bifurcation for Incompressible Anisotropic Hyperelastic Spheres&Jiu-sheng Ren Chang-jun Cheng303
A Wave Hierarchy Approach to Thermoelasticity&N.H.Scott309
Cavitated Bifurcation in Hookean Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Materials&Xin-chun Shang Chang-jun Cheng Yin-yan Hu315
Stress-Strain Constitutive Relation for Porous Medium&Long-tan Shao Yi-zhen Sun320
Conservation Laws and Fracture in Nonlinear Elasticity&J.Sivaloganathan325
Formulation of Martensitic Transformation under One-Dimensional Impact&Shun-cheng Song Hong-nian Cai330
The Incremental Variational Equations and Incremental Element Formulae of Finite Deformation Mechanics&Yan-qi Song334
Damage Theories Based on Irreversible Thermodynamics for Various Damaged Materials&Xue-song Tang Chi-ping Jiang Jian-long Zheng339
The Study of Martensite Phase Transformation Induced Stress&Ya-qin Tao Yi-hong Guan Zi-liang Li Jun-ruo Chen345
Nonlinear Electroacoustic Properties of Oriented Pb(Mgl/3nb2/3)O3-Pbtio3 Crystals&D.Viehland J.F.Li350
Subsonic Interfacial Slip Waves Propagating along the Interface between Two Smoothly Contact Anisotropic Elastic Solids with Separation&Yue-sheng Wang Gui-lan Yu Nan Li357
A New Theory of Constitutive Relation for Thermo-Elasto-Plastic Problems in Porous Medium&Jian-xing Wang Jian-guo Ning364
Nonlinear Viscoelastic Behavior of Epoxy Polymer—Experiments and Constitutive Modeling&Zi-hui Xia Fernand Ellyin Ya-fei Hu368
On the Solution of Davidenkov and Spiridonova&Da-wei Xue374
Vibrations of Rotating Piezoelectric Structures and Angular Arte Sensors&Jia-shi Yang378
Effect of Matrix Constraint on the Tensile Deformation of Niti Superelastic Wire&X.B.Yu Z.Zhong Q.P.Sun383
Wave Scattering to the Crack Between Piezoelectric Layer and Semi-Infinie Elastic Substrate&Shou-wen Yu Bin Gu388
The Method of Flexibility Matrix Diagonalization for Constructing Nonlinear Hybrid Finite Elements&Can-hui Zhang Wei Feng Qian Huang394
A Practical Nonlinear Viscoelastic Constitutive Model and Its Applications&Wei-min Zhang Chun-yuan Zhang Ping Zhang398
Uniform Boundedness of the Solution Set of the BVP of the Nonlinearly Elastic Ring&Yiqun Zhuang403
Ⅱ.2 The Nonlinear Theory of Plates and Shells408
Error Estimation to the 2-D FEM for Different Young'S Modulus when Tension and Compression Loadings&Tong Chen Zhi-ming Ye408
The Bifurcation of a Micro-Hole in a Plate of Nonlinear Piezoelectric Material&W.Q.Chen H.J.Ding412
Analysis of Energy Barrier and Thermal Post-Buckling Behavior of One-Way Restrained Point Stud Shell Ring&Qin-shan Fan Yan Liu417
Buckling and Postbuckling Analysis of Viscoelastic Nonlinear Annular Plates with Initial Imperfections&Xiao-jun Fan Chang-jun Cheng425
Piezoelectric Multilayer Plates:Sensor,Actuator and Vibration Aspects&A.Fernandes J.Pouget429
Analysis of Edge Waves Using a Stroh-Like Formulation&Yi-bin Fu434
Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Beam-Plates with a Delamination&Yi-ming Fu Zhi-kun Hou440
Nonlinear Dynamical Responses of Viscoelastic Laminated Plates&Hao Hu Yi-ming Fu449
Large Deformations of Circular Plates Subjected to a Transversely Non-Uniform Temperature Rise&Shi-rong Li You-he Zhou Zhao-chun Teng454
Nonlinear Boundary Conditions in Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory&Christian Licht Oana Iosifescu Gérard Michaille459
Analysis of Thin Piezoelectric Materials by an Advanced Boundary Element Method&Yi-jun Liu463
Nonlinear Vibration of Structure Composed of a Thin Annular Plate and a Shallow Conical Shell&Lian-sheng Ma Yong-gang Zhao Xin-zhi Wang Ping Qu468
Magnetoelectricity of Multiferroic Composites&C.W.Nan Y.Lin472
Imperfect Reticulated Shallow Spherical Shells on Springs&G.H.Nie H.Y.Mao474
Elastic and Piezoelectric Coupling in an AIN Plate&E.Pan B.Yang479
The Non-Linear Unsymmetrical Buckling of Circular Shallow Spherical Shells under ActionofWmdLoad&Sheng-li Qin Xiang-mu Kong Xiu-feng Ma Jian-ping Zhao484
Long Wave Motion in a Mooney-Rivlin Layer with Fixed Faces&Graham A.Rogerson Aleksey V.Pichugin488
Interface Model and Non-Linear Theory of Laminated Shallow Shells&Zhi-wei Wang493
Nonlinear Vibration of Bimetallic Circular Thin Plates under Stationary Thermal Loads&Yong-gang Wang Shi-liang Dai499
Dynamic Bifurcation on Circular Thin Plate with Shallow Sine-Waveshape&Xin-zhi Wang Gang Wang Xi Song Xue-xing Ding504
The Research on Anomalous Response on Elasto-Plastic Plate with Large Deformation&Gui-ying Wu Nian-mei Zhang Gui-tong Yang508
Nonlinear Dynamic Snap-Through of Laminated Spherical Caps including Third-Order Transverse Shear Deformation Yi-qian Yang Zai-tian Ke512
Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Composite Laminated Plates Using High-Order Shear Deformation Theory&Jia-ming Yang Liang-xin Sun517
Numerical Analyses of Post-Buckling of Driving Thin Plate in Shuffling MEMS with Geometrical Nonlinearity&Xiao-bin Yang You-he Zhou521
Final State Sensitivity of Viscoelastic Plates under a Step Load&Neng-hui Zhang Chang-jun Cheng526
Non-Linear Analysis for Structure Composed of a Thin Annular Plate and a Shallow Conical Shell&Yong-gang Zhao Jing-ning Yang Shi-rong Li Lian-sheng Ma531
Finite Element Perturbation Analysis for Nonlinear Bending of Swing Expansion Joint&Wei-ping Zhu536
Ⅱ.3 Nonlinear Mechanics of Structures540
Buckling of Steel Box Sections Subjected to Compression and Bending&Tim Bond Alan Brewis Long-yuan Li540
Acquiring Appropriate Objective Functions during Optimal Vibration Design of the Piping System&Yan-qiu Chen Qin-shan Fan Zi-gen Zhu544
Large Axially Symmetric Deformations and Bifurcations of a Hyperelastic Rod Subjected to Static Load&Hui-hai Dai Qin-sheng Bi550
Dynamic Model of Rolling Interface for Rolling Chatter&Ji-an Duan Jue Zhong555
Tensile Deformation of Shaped Charge Jets with Nonlinear Hardening under Initial Velocity&Min Fang Jing-wu Gao Zhong-min Cai Zhi-min Zhang561
Dynamic Response of a Nonlinear Viscoelastic Rod under the Consideration of Transverse Inertia&Jing-wu Gao Gui-lian Li Zhong-min Cai565
Optimum Design and Sensitivity Analysis of Buckling for Piezoelectric Truss Structures&Yuan-xian Gu Guo-zhong Zhao569
The Dynamic Buckling of Elastic Bar Impacted by a Rigid Body&Zhi-jun Han Jing-chao Wang Guo-qiang Cheng Shan-yuan Zhang576
A Method to Estimate the Blasting Vibration in Rock Slope&Yun-long He Ling-ling Wang580
Transverse Creep Vibrations of a Beam with Fractional Derivative Constitutive Relation Order&Katica(Stevanovic) Hedrih584
Electroelastic Structures under Biasing Fields&Yuan-tai Hu Jia-shi Yang Qing Jiang596
Deployment Dynamics of Solar Panel Arrays by Hamiltonian Equations and Deprit's Variables&A.Y.T.Leung Jinlu Kuang601
Lagrange Method and Its Application to Inelastic Structure&Yong-he Li Ying-di Liu Yi-ping Qin Jun-li Gao609
Dynamical Behavior of Tunoshenko Beam with Nonlinear Fractional Derivative Constitutive Relation&Gen-guo Li Zheng-you Zhu615
A Helicoidal Model for Bending of Turbomachinery and Drilling Structures&C.W.Lim A.Y.T.Leung620
Dynamic Buckling of Elastic Column under Axial Impact Loading&Hong-wei Ma Li-jun Zhang Jin-lan Sun627
A Nonlinear Model for the Strength of Thin Tubesheet Structure&Yong-qi Ma Wei Feng631
Critical Load for HDAJ Spliced Pile with Initial Horizontal Displacements in Elastic Ground&Fusanori Miura Yuan-yuan Zhu634
Experimental Study and Simulation Analysis on the Connectivity at Cast-In-Place Pile's Cap Jointed with Nonlinear Device&Takaaki Miyasaka Fusanori Miura Hiromitsu Izumi Kichisaburo Naganuma645
The Elastic and Plastic Analysis for the Linearly Elastic and Power Hardening Structure of the Bars Jointed to Moving Rigid-Body&Xin-hua Ni Xie-quan Liu Jin Liu651
Stress Distribution around the Tip of the Dynamically Propagating Interracial Crack&Ruzica R.Nikolic Jelena M.Veljkovic656
Nonlinear Analysis of Cable Structures&Wei Peng Jin-chun Tang662
Study on Local Dynamic Effect under Stochastic Fluctuation Wind Pressure&Shu-ying Qu Xin-jian Wang Rui-feng Zhang666
Active Vibration Control of an Electrorheological Sandwich Beam&Jian-ting Ren Jie-sheng Jiang671
Dynamic Model of a Flexible Multibody for Coupled Rotor/Fuselage&Hua-ping Tang Dong-yun Wang Ji-cheng Liu677
Application of Beyond-All-Orders Asymptotics to a One-Dimensional Buckling Model&M.Khurram Wadee Ciprian D.Coman Andrew P.Bassom683
The Stability of a Screw Dislocation in a Two-Phase Piezoelectric Layer&Xiang-qin Wang Jin-xi Liu687
Buckling Analysis of Thin-Walled Curved Beams&Jin-ming Wang Li-fu Liang De-min Chen691
Nonlinear Vibrations of Cables Considering Loosening&Qingxiong Wu Kazuo Takahashi Shozo Nakamura696
Using New Method to Establish Mathematical Model of Springback Prediction in Sheet Metal Forming&Jing-jing Xu Xiu-mei Wang Yi-min Wu701
Nonlinear Dynamic Models of Nano-Structure Evolution in Irradiated Materials&Kai-yu Xu709
Stiffness of Pile in Nonlinear Soil&X.Yang K.T.Chau714
Topology Optimization of Continuum Structures Using High Performance Finite Elements&Zhen Yuan Lu Yin Shuang-xi Chen Chang-chun Wu717
Applications of Nonstationary,Nonlinear Data Processing and Analysis in Earthquake Engineering&Ray Ruichong Zhang721
The Dynamics Behaviors and Wave Properties of Finite Deformation Elastic Rods with Viscous or Geometrical-Dispersive Effects&Shan-yuan Zhang Jian-gang Guo Nian-mei Zhang728
Dynamic Buckling of a Free-Flight Rod Impacted on a Rigid Target&Xiao-qing Zhang Xiao-hu Yao Jian-guo Ning Gang Wang733
Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Composite Beams&Jing-zhi Zhou Tian-qing Yu Jian-ming Xong737
Interaction Energy of Point Vortices&Khanh Chau Le Victor Berdichevsky742
Self-Organization Process in a 2D Cellular-Automaton Model of Traffic Flow&Makoto S.Watanabe747
Motive Thermodynamics of Multiphase Flows&A.T.Sukhodolsky752
Variational Principles of Non-Linear Fluid-Solid Interaction Dynamics in an Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian Description&J.T.Xing W.G.Price759
Internal Waves of Stratified Fluid Flow over Different Bottom Topographies&Roger H.J.Grimshaw Zhi-ming Lu766
Measurement and Prediction of Pollutant Level in Public Taxi Transport Interchanges in Hong Kong&Wei-zhen Lu Xie-kang Wang Andrew Y.T.Leung Kowk-kit Yuen771
Particle Dispersion Modelling Using an Algebraic Slip Model with Moving Grids&A.G.Gerber S.Ji A.D.Ferreira A.C.M.Sousa778
The Complicated Vortex Flow over a Delta Wing Studed by Laser Sheet Visualization and Computational Simulation&Carl Holden K.X.He Alan Chow Jiada Mo784
Comparison between Normal and Oblique Shock Induced Vortex Breakdown Definition of Stability Criteria&O.Thomer W.Schr?der E.Krause792
Dynamics of Compressible Vortex Filaments&Lu Ting800
Hamiltonian Analysis of Vortex Filaments&Denis Blackmore807
Properties of Energy-Enstrophy Theories for 2D Vortex Statistics&Chjan C.Lim814
Patterns in 2-D Dynamic Phase Transitions&Shao-qiang Tang820
Vorticity,Helicity and Enstrophy Measurements in a(4:1)Prolate Spheroid Separated Flow&Zhonglei Wei Kaijian Wang Chonglu Yin Fabu Lin Qingguo Meng824
Artificial Parameter Method and Inverse Perturbation Problem:New Directions in Singular Perturbation Theory&Gao-lian Liu829
A Conservation Law in the Philips's Model and Its Application&Jie Xiang Qijun Gui836
Application of Regularization Ideas in Ill-Posed Problems of Ocean Variational Data Assimilation with Local Observation&Si-xun Huang Wei Han840
Study on Characters of Magnetorhelogical Fluids and Magnetorhelogical Damper&Chao Xiong Jian-gang Lu Jin-qiu Zhang Zhi-ning Li845
A Variational Principle for Fully Coupled Fluid-Solid Seepage in a Deforming Porous Medium&Ping-chuan Dong849
Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Coupled Fluid-Solid Seepage in a Deforming Fractured Reservoir&Ping-chuan Dong854
A Fully Coupled Finite Element Solution for Gas-Oil Flow in Nonlinear Deforming Fractured Reservoirs&Ping-chuan Dong858
Comparison Study of Dynamical Behavior of Counter-and Co-axial Shear Flows&Xi-lin Xie Wei-wei Ma Hui-liang Zhou864
Experimental and Numerical Study on the Process of Liquid Explosive Dispersal&Jue Ding Pei-fen Weng Jiacong Liu871
Evolution of Solitons in Approximate Equations of Long Water Waves&Jie-fang Zhang Yu-lu Liu877
The Stratification Feature of Steady State Mass Flux for a Self-Regulating Grain-Air System&Li-hong He Xiao-jing Zheng Jian-jun Wu881
Numerical Simulation of the Shaped Charge Jet&Li Hao Cheng Wang Jian-guo Ning885
An Arithmetic of the Moving Interface for Three-Dimensional Flows&Long-wei Chen Jian-guo Ning889
Numerical Study on Annual Jet and Its Penetration&Cheng Wang Jie Lu Jian-guo Ning893
Differential Quadrature Method for Solving the Coupled Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation and Heat Equation&A.S.J.Al-Saif Zheng-you Zhu897
A Uniformly Valid Second-Order Solution of Ship-Wave in a Two-Layer Fluid of Finite Depth&Gang Wei Jia-chun Le902
Inverse Hydrodynamic Design of Centrifugal Pump Impeller&Wen-guang Li908
Analysis of Phase Transition of Traffic Flow in a Two-Layer Network via Cellular Automaton Model&Yu Xue Shi-qiang Dai Guo-qing Gu913
Sensitive Driving Cellular Automaton Model for Traffic Flow&Yu Xue Li Lei919
Equatorial Trapped Waves on the Mean State with Slow Variation:Inhomogenous Equatorial Duct&Wei Han Si-xun Huang925
Orthonormal Wavelet Analyses of Counter Gradient Transport in Asymmetric Fully Developed Turbulent Channel Flow&Jian-bo Jiang Xiang Qiu Zhi-ming Lu Yu-lu Liu930
Direct Computation of Unsteady Euler Equations for Aeroacoustics Problems&Bai-hua Luo Ze-hui Wang Yu-lu Liu936
Numerical Solution of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations with a Three-Point Fourth-Order Upwind Compact Difference Scheme&Zhen-fu Tian You-ai Li942
A General Cellular Automaton Model for Pedestrian Traffic&Li-yun Dong Shi-qiang Dai Yi-wu Yuan947
Formation of the Vortex Dislocations in Wake-Type Flow&Guo-can Ling951
Two-Dimensional Vertical Finite Element Modeling of Tidal Flow in the Yangtze River Estuary&Zhong Shi Shi-sen Li956
Evolution Equation for Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Interfacial Waves with Surface Tension and Basic Currents of a Two-Layer Fluid&You-liang Cheng962
Study on a Dense Impinging Jet in Shallow Crossflows&Jing-yu Fan Yan Zhang Dao-zeng Wang968
Traffic Flow Model Containing Road Sections and Allowing Cars to Turn&Xin-jian Qian Hui Sheng Wei Zhang Guo-qing Gu973
Subharmonic Secondary Instability of Compressible Boundary Layer on Flat Plate with Suctions&Geng-fu Zhao976
Simulation of Time-Dependent Viscous Flows in a Cavity with High Accuracy Multi-grid Method&Yong-bin Ge Zhen-fu Tian Wen-quan Wu980
A Numerical Study on the Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow in Curved Duct with Large Curvature&Pei-fen Weng Jue Ding Ping Zhao986
Analytical Study of the Two-Way Decision Traffic Flow Model&Bing-hong Wang Dan Mao Pak-ming Hui993
The Evolutionary Minority Game Consisting of a Competing Population with Imitation Possibility&Bing-hong Wang Hong-jun Quan P.M.Hui1001
Analysis of Flowfields in Multiple Lateral Jet Interaction&Min Xu Shi-lu Chen1008
Solitary Waves in Coupled Korteweg-de Vries Systems&Roger Grimshaw1012
Multiplicity and Stability in Transport Phenomena&Li-qiu Wang1016
The Elliptic Perturbation Methods for Strongly Non-Linear Oscillators&S.H.Chen Y.K.Cheung1023
Melnikov Method and Chaos Prediction in a Shaft-Bush System including Tribological Processes&J.Awrejcewicz Y.A.Pyryev1028
Polynomial Approximations of Nonlinear Morison Wave Forces&Xiang-yuan Zheng Chih-young Liaw1034
Analogy between Bifurcations in Stability of Structures and Kinematics of Mechanisms&Andrds Lengyel Zhong You1038
Bifurcations of Mechanisms with One Degree-of-Freedom with the Aid of Catastrophe Theory&Andrds Lengyel Zhong You1042
On Rheonomic Systems with Equivalent Holonomic Scleronomic Conservative System&Katica(Stevanovic)Hedrih1046
Complementarity in Contact Dynamics&Friedrich Pfeiffer1055
Bifucations and Chaos due to Time Delayed Feedback in a Non-Autonomous System&Yu Huang Jian Xu Wei-Kwok Chung1065
Dynamic Analysis of an Axially Moving Rotor-Supporter System with Clearance Nonlinearity&Huai-liang Zhu1069
Suppression Of Chaos In Euler'S Dynamically Buckling Problems by the System Variable Substitution&Feng-min Wu Qiao-wen Li Jie-fang Zhang Li-li Wu1074
On Almost Sure Sample Stability of Stochastic Nonholonomic System&Mei Shang Feng-xiang Mei1078
Impact Dynamics of Two Ships&Q.Feng F.Pfeiffer1084
A Brief Review on the Non-Perturbation Methods for Nonlinear Problems&Shi-jun Liao1090
Bifurcation and Optical Bi-stability of Laser-Lorenz Equations Induced by the Pump Parameter Slowly Varying with Time&Qi-shao Lu Cun-cai Hua1095
Nonsmooth Bifurcation Analysis in a Rub-Impacting Rotor System with Rigid Constraint&Qi-shao Lu Si-jin Zhang Shi-min Wang1100
Study of Concomitant Satellite Impulse Release and Retrieve Movement&Zhi-gang Wang Shi-lu Chen1105
Chaos in Attitude Motion of a Magnetic Rigid Spacecraft in an Arbitrary Elliptic Orbitl and Its Contro&Li-qun Chen Yan-zhu Liu1110
Numerical Simulation of Non-Linear Oscillation of an Axially Accelerating Viscoelastic String&Wei-jia Zhao Li-qun Chen1114
Dynamical Stability of a Controllable Maglev Vehicle/Guideway System with Nonlinear Spring&Jian-jun Wu Xiao-jing Zheng You-he Zhou Li-hong He1117
Periodic Motion and Global Bifurcation of a Two Degree-Of-Freedom Vibratory System with a Gap&Guan-wei Luo Hui-ming Yao Jian-hua Xie1122
Stochastic Response of Duffing Oscillator under Bounded Noise Excitation&Zhi-long Huang Wei-qiu Zhu1127
The Vector Field Bifurcation Theory of Penetration-Anti-penetration Nonlinear System&Mao-sheng Li1131
A Novel Method to Study the Baisn of Attraction of Chaotic Attractor&Zeng-rong Liu Jun Chen1137
A Chaotic Crisis Caused by a Collision between a Chaotic Saddle and a Chaotic Attractor in Forced Duffing Oscillator&Hong Ling Jian-xue Xu1140
Response Statistics of Strongly Nonlinear Oscillator to Narrow-Band Random Excitation&Hai-wu Rong Xiang-dong Wang Wei Xu Tong Fang1144
Pattern Selection in an Evolutionay Duffing Equation&Ping Wang Din-yu Hsieh Shao-qiang Tang Ji-ke Wu1149
Dissonance of Prelude Phase-Locking Staircases to Type V Intermittency&Da-ren He Xu-ming Wang1153
Confined Chaotic Motions and Escaping from Strange Sets of a Kicked Particle&Yu-mei Jiang Yun-qing Lu Jin-gang Zhao He-sheng Chen Da-ren He1157
Converting Chaos into Periodic Motion in Lorenz System&Zhen-yuan Xu Yan-yan Fang Chao-yong Cai1161
Chaotic Variable Metric Method of Constrained Nonlinear Optimization Problems&Deng-gang Wang Jie Li Shou-ju Li Ying-xi Liu1165
Chaotic Interspike Interval of Integer Multiple Firing in Neurons&Jian-xue Xu Pu-lin Gong Kai-ping Long San-jue Hu1170
Chaotic Dynamics of Perturbed Sine-Gordon Equation&Wei Zhang Xiu-yan Wang1176
A Class of Codimension Two Bifurcation and Chaos of the Inertial Impacting Shaker&Wang-cai Din g Jian-hua Xie1181
Multiscale Analvsis of Nonlinear Oscillations of an Axially Travelling Viscoelastic String&Jun Wu Li-qun Chen1187
Application of Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)and Grey System Theory in Life Cycle Cost(LCC) Estimation&Xiao-chuan Chen Ming-lun Fang1191
The Fixed-Point Iterative Methods in Variational Inequality Problem&Fang-yun Ding Shu-juan Hu Rui Ding1199
Global Asymptotic Stability in Nonlinear Discrete Systems&Ying Dong Ming-zhong Jin Chong-xiao Li1205
Optimal Control of Hyperbolic Variational Inequalities with State Constraints&Xing-ming Guo Shi-xing Zhou1207
Fourteen Limit Cycles in a Cubic Hamiltonian System with Higher-Order Perturbed Terms&Xiao-chun Hong Zheng-rong Liu1211
Robust Fault-Tolerant Control of Interval Systems Based on State-Observer&Chang-shui Huang Ji-tao Sun De-cun Dong1216
Global Stability of Discrete Dynamical Systems&Ming-zhong Jin Ying Dong Chong-xiao Li1220
Some Algebraic Properties of Generalized Inverse Function-Valued Pade Approximants Used in Solving Integral Equations&Chun-jing Li Chuan-qing Gu Jin-bo Wang1224
The Existence of Solutions for a Class of Quasilinear Hyperbolic Equations&Gui-lian Li Jing-wu Gao Qing-shi Li Zhong-min Cai1228
Solutions of Six-Dimensional Two-Point Boundary-Value Problem Using Compound Matrix Method&Yi-ping Lin Xiao-hua Zhao1232
Boundary Variational Inequalities for Signorini Problem&Rui Ding Mei-qun Jiang Zhen-dong Wu Jian-quan Hou1237
Robust Stability of Lur'E Systems with Time-Varying Uncertainties:A Linear Matrix Inequality Approach&Ji-tao Sun Yin-ping Zhang Qi-di Wu1242
Domain Wall Solutions of Generalized Mkdv Equation&Min-ying Tang Rui-qi Wang1246
Perturbation Analysis of Homoclinic Structures in the Zakharov Equations&Emily M.Tian1250
Wavelet Approximate Inertial Manifold and Numerical Solution of Dissipative KdV Equation&Li-xin Tian Zhi-feng Zhao1255
A Class of 3D MMB Difference Scheme with the Second Order Accurate and the High Resolution&Kai-teng Wu Jian-guo Ning Hui-lan Ren Hai-yan Liu1259
Singularity Analysis on Constrained Bifurcation&Zhi-qiang Wu Yu-shu Chen1263
An Introduction of Interfacial Wave Theory for Dendritic Growth&Jian-jun Xu1267
The Continuous Approximate Selection Theorems and an Application for the Equilibrium of Games&Yu-guang Xu Ze-qing Liu Yi-xin Wen1276
Iterative Approximation of Solution of Equations with Ф-Accretive Or Ф-Dissipative Operators&Yu-guang Xu Fang Xie1280
The Global Phase Portraits of a Nonlinear Equation&Zhi-yan Yang Tao Jiang1284
Symmetry Breaking Rotating Wave Bifurcation in Nonlinear Problems with O(2)×O(2)-Synmmetry&Zhong-hua Yang Chang-pin Li1288
Limit Cycle in a Class of Quadratic System&Chen-xi Yang Min-ying Tang1291
Interval Criteria for Oscillation of Forced Second Order ODEs&Qi-gui Yang1295
Three Ways to Obtain Peakons of the CH Equation&Ji-dong Yi Zheng-rong Liu1300
Coiflets-Based Method in the Solution of Nonlinear Dynamic System Containing Fractional Derivative&Ji-zeng Wang Dongpyo Hong Seongyoun Huang1304
Generalized Quasi-Variational-Like Inclusion arising from an Elastoplasticity Problem&Lu-chuan Zeng1309
The System of Nonlinear Damped Beam Equations Acted by the Joint Effect of Winding and Twisting&Jian-wen Zhang Qin-shi Li Gui-tong Yang1313
The Symmetry Reduction,Exact Solutions of Belov-Chaltikian Lattice&Jun Zhang Zu-liang Pan1317
On a New Family of Pade-Type Approximants in Multivariables&Cheng-de Zheng Ren-hong Wang1321
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