国际物流 国际贸易中的运作管理 第2版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (美)戴维(David,P.),(美)斯图尔特(Stewart,R.)著 著
- 出版社: 北京:清华大学出版社
- ISBN:7302157170
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:393页
- 文件大小:74MB
- 文件页数:411页
- 主题词:国际贸易-物流-高等学校-教材-英文
国际物流 国际贸易中的运作管理 第2版PDF格式电子书版下载
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Chapter One Introduction1
1-1 International Trade Growth3
1-2 International Trade Milestones4
1-2a The Bretton-Woods Conference4
1-2b The World Trade Organization4
1-2c The Treaty of Rome4
1-2d The Creation of the Euro4
1-3 Largest Exporting and Importing Countries5
1-4 International Trade Drivers5
1-4a Cost Drivers5
1-4b Competitive Drivers7
1-4c Market Drivers8
1-4d Technology Drivers9
1-5 International Trade Theories9
1-5a Smith's Theory of Absolute Advantage9
1-5b Ricardo's Theory of Comparative Advantage10
1-5c Heckscher-Ohlin Factor Endowment Theory10
1-5d International Product Life Cycle11
1-5e Porter's Cluster Theory11
1-6 The International Business Environment12
Key Terms13
Review and Discussion Questions13
Chapter Two International Supply Chain Management15
2-1 Historical Development of International Logistics16
2-1a The Early,“Slow”Days16
2-1b The Move Toward Speed17
2-1c The Emphasis on Customer Satisfaction18
2-2 Definitions of Logistics and Supply Chain Management19
2-2a Logistics20
2-2b Supply Chain Management20
2-3 Definition of International Logistics22
2-4 Definition of International Supply Chain Management22
2-5 Elements of International Logistics23
2-6 The Economic Importance of Logistics24
2-7 The Economic Importance of International Logistics25
Key Terms26
Review and Discussion Questions26
Chapter Three International Logistics Infrastructure29
3-1 Definitions30
3-2 Transportation Infrastructure30
3-2a Port Infrastructure31
3-2b Canals and Waterways Infrastructure36
3-2c Airport Infrastructure38
3-2d Rail Infrastructure40
3-2e Road Infrastructure42
3-2f Warehousing Infrastructure46
3-3 Communication Infrastructure46
3-3a Mail Services46
3-3b Telecommunications Services47
3-4 Utilities Infrastructure49
3-4a Electricity49
3-4b Water and Sewer50
3-4c Energy Pipelines50
Key Terms51
Review and Discussion Questions51
Chapter Four Methods of Entry into Foreign Markets55
4-1 Entry Strategy Factors56
4-2 Indirect Exporting57
4-2a Export Trading Company(ETC)57
4-2b Export Management Corporation(EMC)58
4-2c Piggy-Backing59
4-3 Active Exporting60
4-3a Agent60
4-3b Distributor61
4-3c Additional Issues in the Agent-Distributorship Decision62
4-3d Marketing Subsidiary63
4-3e Coordinating Direct Export Strategies63
4-3f Foreign Sales Corporation(FSC)65
4-4 Production Abroad65
4-4a Subcontracting/Contract Manufacturing65
4-4b Licensing66
4-4c Franchising67
4-4d Joint Venture67
4-4e Subsidiary69
4-5 Parallel Imports71
4-6 Counterfeit Goods72
4-7 Other Issues in Methods of Entry73
4-7a Foreign Trade Zones(FTZ)73
4-7b Maquiladoras74
4-7c Foreign Corrupt Practices Act74
Key Terms75
Review and Discussion Questions75
Chapter Five International Contracts77
5-1 Lex Mercatoria78
5-2 International Sales Contracts and the CISG79
5-2a Contract Formation80
5-2b Creation of the Contract80
5-2c Breach of Contract81
5-3 Agency versus Distributorship Legal Issues81
5-3a Contract Law versus Labor Law82
5-3b Home Government Restrictions82
5-4 Elements of an Agency or Distributor Contract83
5-4a Contract Language83
5-4b Good Faith83
5-4c Force Majeure84
5-4d Scope of Appointment84
5-4e Territory84
5-4f Corporate Accounts85
5-4g Term of Appointment85
5-4h Choice of Law86
5-4i Choice of Forum or Venue86
5-4i Arbitration Clause87
5-4k Mediation Clause87
5-4l Profitability or Commission87
5-4m Miscellaneous Other Clauses88
5-5 Termination90
5-5a Just Cause90
5-5b Convenience91
5-6 Arbitration91
5-7 Mediation93
Key Terms93
Review and Discussion Questions93
Chapter Six Terms of Trade or Incoterms97
6-1 International Commerce Terms99
6-2 Understanding Incoterms99
6-3 Incoterm Strategy99
6-4 Ex-Works(EXW)100
6-4a Delivery under EXW101
6-4b Exporter's and Importer's Responsibilities under EXW102
6-5 Free Carrier(FCA)102
6-5a Delivery under FCA103
6-5b Exporter's and Importer's Responsibilities under FCA103
6-6 Free Alongside Ship(FAS)103
6-6a Delivery under FAS104
6-6b Exporter's and Importer's Responsibilities under FAS104
6-7 Free on Board(FOB)Port of Departure104
6-7a Delivery under FOB105
6-7b Exporter's and Importer's Responsibilities under FOB105
6-8 Cost and Freight(CFR)106
6-8a Delivery under CFR106
6-8b Exporter's and Importer's Responsibilities under CFR107
6-9 Cost,Insurance,and Freight(CIF)107
6-9a Delivery under CIF108
6-9b Exporter's and Importer's Responsibilities under CIF109
6-10 Carriage Paid To(CPT)109
6-10a Delivery under CPT109
6-10b Exporter's and Importer's Responsibilities under CPT109
6-11 Carriage and Insurance Paid To(CIP)110
6-11a Delivery under CIP110
6-11b Exporter's and Importer's Responsibilities under CIP110
6-12 Delivered Ex-Ship(DES)110
6-12a Delivery under DES111
6-12b Exporter's and Importer's Responsibilities under DES111
6-13 Delivered Ex-Quay(DEQ)112
6-13a Delivery under DEQ112
6-13b Exporter's and Importer's Responsibilities under DEQ112
6-14 Delivered at Frontier(DAF)112
6-14a Delivery under DAF113
6-14b Exporter's and Importer's Responsibilities under DAF113
6-15 Delivered Duty Unpaid(DDU)113
6-15a Delivery under DDU114
6-15b Exporter's and Importer's Responsibilities under DDU114
6-16 Delivered Duty Paid(DDP)114
6-16a Delivery under DDP115
6-16b Exporter's and Importer's Responsibilities under DDP115
6-17 Electronic Data Interchange115
6-18 Common Errors in Incoterm Usage116
6-18a Incoterms Confusion with Domestic Terms116
6-18b Incoterms Confusion with Older Incoterm Versions117
6-18c Improper Use of Correct Incoterms117
6-19 Incoterms as a Marketing Tool118
Key terms118
Review and Discussion Questions118
Chapter Seven Terms of Payment121
7-1 Characteristics of International Payment Issues122
7-2 Alternative Terms of Payment124
7-3 Risks in International Trade124
7-3a Country Risk125
7-3b Commercial Risk126
7-3c Exposure126
7-4 Cash in Advance126
7-4a Definition126
7-4b Applicability127
7-5 Open Account127
7-5a Definition127
7-5b Applicability127
7-5c Commercial Insurance128
7-5d Factoring128
7-6 Letter of Credit128
7-6a Definition128
7-6b Process129
7-6c Additional Information132
7-6d Stand-By Letters of Credit135
7-6e Applicability135
7-6f URR 525135
7-7 Documentary Collection136
7-7a Definition136
7-7b Sight Draft136
7-7c Time Draft136
7-7d Date Draft137
7-7e Instruction Letter137
7-7f Trade Acceptance137
7-7g Banker's Acceptance and Aval138
7-7h URC 522138
7-7i Applicability138
7-7j Forfaiting139
7-8 Procurement Cards139
7-9 TradeCard140
7-10 Bank Guarantees141
7-10a Definition141
7-10b Guarantee Payable on First Demand (at First Request)141
7-10c Guarantees based upon Documents—Cautions141
7-10d Stand-By Letters of Credit141
7-10e Types of Bank Guarantees142
7-11 Terms of Payment as a Marketing Tool142
Key Terms143
Review and Discussion Questions143
Chapter Eight Currency of Payment(Managing Transaction Risks)147
8-1 Sales Contract's Currency of Quote148
8-1a Exporter's Currency149
8-1b Importer's Currency150
8-1c Third Country's Currency150
8-1d The Special Status of the Euro151
8-2 The System of Currency Exchange Rates151
8-2a Types of Exchange Rates152
8-2b Types of Currencies156
8-3 Theories of Exchange Rate Determinations158
8-3a Purchasing Power Parity158
8-3b Fisher Effect161
8-3c International Fisher Effect161
8-3d Interest Rate Parity162
8-3e Forward Rate as Unbiased Predictor of Spot Rate163
8-3f Entire Predictive Model164
8-4 Exchange Rate Forecasting164
8-4a Technical Forecasting165
8-4b Fundamental Forecasting165
8-4c Market-Based Forecasting166
8-5 Managing Transaction Exposure167
8-5a Risk Retention167
8-5b Forward Market Hedges168
8-5c Money Market Hedges168
8-5d Options Market Hedges169
8-6 International Banking Institutions170
8-6a Central National Banks171
8-6b International Monetary Fund171
8-6c Bank for International Settlements171
8-6d International Bank for Reconstruction and Development—World Bank171
8-6e Ex-Im Bank172
8-6f Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)172
8-7 Currency of Payment as a Marketing Tool172
Key Terms173
Review and Discussion Questions173
Chapter Nine International Commercial Documents177
9-1 Documentation Requirements178
9-2 Invoices179
9-2a Commercial Invoice179
9-2b Pro-forma Invoice181
9-2c Consular Invoice181
9-2d Specialized Commercial Invoices182
9-3 Export Documents182
9-3a Export Licenses182
9-3b U.S.Export Controls183
9-3c Shipper's Export Declaration185
9-3d Certificates of End-Use187
9-3e Export Taxes188
9-3f Export Quotas188
9-4 Import Documents188
9-4a Certificate of Origin188
9-4b Certificate of Manufacture189
9-4c Certificate of Inspection190
9-4d Cettificate of Certification192
9-4e Phyto-Sanitary Certificate193
9-4f Certificate of Analysis193
9-4g Certificate of Free Sale193
9-4h Import License195
9-4i Consular Invoice195
9-4i Certificate of Insurance195
9-5 Transportation Documents195
9-5a Bill of Lading195
9-5b Uniform Bill of Lading197
9-5c Intermodal Bill of Lading197
9-5d Air Waybill197
9-5e Chatter Parties198
9-5f Packing List199
9-5g Shipper's Letter of Instruction199
9-5h Shipments of Dangerous Goods199
9-5i Manifest201
9-6 Electronic Data Interchange202
9-6a Proprietary Commercial Electronic Data Interchange202
9-6b Network Electronic Data Interchange:SWIFT's Bolero System202
9-7 Document Preparation as a Marketing Tool203
Key Terms204
Review and Discussion Questions204
Chapter Ten International Insurance207
10-1 Pitfals of International Insurance208
10-2 Insurance Glossary209
10-3 Perils of the Sea210
10-3a Cargo Movements210
10-3b Water Damage211
10-3c Overboard Losses214
10-3d Jettison214
10-3e Fire215
10-3f Sinking216
10-3g Stranding216
10-3h General Average217
10-3i Theft218
10-3i Piracy219
10-3k Other Risks220
10-4 Perils Associated with Air Shipments222
10-5 Insurable Interest224
10-6 Risk Management225
10-6a Risk Retention225
10-6b Risk Transfer226
10-6c Mixed Approach226
10-7 Marine Insurance Policies226
10-7a Marine Cargo Insurance227
10-7b Hull Insurance228
10-7c Protection and Indemnity228
10-8 Coverages under a Marine Cargo Insurance Policy228
10-8a Institute Marine Cargo Clauses—Coverage A229
10-8b All Risks Coverage230
10-8c Institute Marine Cargo Clauses—Coverage B230
10-8d Institute Marine Cargo Clauses—Coverage C230
10-8e With Average Coverage231
10-8f Free of Particular Average Coverage232
10-8g Strikes Coverage232
10-8h War and Seizure Coverage232
10-8i Warehouse-to-Warehouse Coverage233
10-8i Difference in Conditions233
10-8k Other Clauses of a Marine Insurance Policy233
10-9 Elements of an Airfreight Policy234
10-10 Filing an Insurance Claim235
10-10a Notification235
10-10b Protection of the Damaged Cargo235
10-10c Filing of a Claim236
10-10d Carrier Liability Limits237
10-11 Lloyd's237
10-11a Principles238
10-11b Lloyd's in International Logistics239
10-12 Commercial Credit Insurance239
10-12a Risks Involved240
10-12b Risk Management Alternatives240
10-12c Insurance Policies Available240
Key Terms242
Review and Discussion Questions242
Chapter Eleven International Ocean Transportation247
11-1 Types of Service248
11-2 Size of Vessels248
11-2a Dead-Weight Tonnage and Cubic Capacity249
11-2b Gross and Net Tonnage249
11-2c Displacement249
11-2d Plimsoll Mark and Load Lines250
11-2e Size Categories251
11-3 Types of Vessels252
11-3a Containerships253
11-3b Roll-On/Roll-Off Ships256
11-3c Break-Bulk or General Merchandise Ships257
11-3d Combination Ships258
11-3e LASH Ships258
11-3f Product,Chemical,and Crude Carriers259
11-3g Dry-Bulk Carriers261
11-3h Gas Carriers263
11-4 Flag264
11-5 Conferences266
11-6 Liability Conventions267
11-7 Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carriers268
11-8 Security Requirements269
11-8a United States'Security Requirements270
11-8b Other Countries'Security Requirements271
11-8c International Ship and Port Security(ISPS)271
11-8d Commercial Efforts271
11-8e Effectiveness of Security Measures271
Key Terms272
Review and Discussion Questions272
Chapter Twelve International Air Transportation277
12-1 Types of Service279
12-2 Types of Aircrafts280
12-2a Passenger Airplanes280
12-2b Combis280
12-2c Freighters281
12-2d Charters283
12-3 International Regulations283
12-4 Freight Tariffs286
Key Terms286
Review and Discussion Questions286
Chapter Thirteen International Land and Multi-Modal Transportation289
13-1 Truck Transportation290
13-2 Rail Transportation293
13-3 Intermodal Transportation296
13-3a Types of Seagoing Containers297
13-3b Land Bridges301
13-3c Liability Issues302
13-3d Aircraft Containers303
13-4 Freight Forwarders303
13-5 Project Cargo304
13-6 Alternative Means of Transportation305
13-6a Pipelines305
13-6b Barges306
Key Terms306
Review and Discussion Questions306
Chapter Fourteen Packaging for Export309
14-1 Packaging Functions310
14-2 Packaging Objectives311
14-3 Ocean Cargo312
14-3a Full-Container-Load(FCL)Cargo312
14-3b Less-than-Container-Load(LCL)Cargo316
14-3c Break-Bulk Cargo316
14-3d Wood Requirements320
14-3e Markings321
14-4 Air Transport323
14-4a Containers323
14-4b Packaging Materials323
14-4c Markings324
14-5 Road and Rail Transport324
14-6 Security324
14-7 Hazardous Cargo326
14-8 Refrigerated Goods327
14-9 Domestic Retail Packaging Issues328
14-9a Size328
14-9b Legal Issues329
14-9c Storage and Transportation Environment329
14-10 Packaging as a Marketing Tool329
Key Terms330
Review and Discussion Questions330
Chapter Fifteen Customs Clearance333
15-1 Duty334
15-1a Classification334
15-1b Valuation336
15-1c Rules of Origin337
15-1d Tariffs338
15-1e Dumping341
15-1f Other Taxes342
15-1g Value-Added Tax343
15-2 Non-Tariff Barriers344
15-2a Quotas344
15-2b Adherence to National Standards345
15-2c Other Non-Tariff Barriers346
15-2d Pre-Shipment Inspections347
15-3 Customs Clearing Process348
15-3a General Process348
15-3b Customs Brokers350
15-3c Customs Bonds350
15-3d Reasonable Care350
15-3e Required Documentation351
15-3f Required Markings351
15-3g Merchandise Visas352
15-3h Duty Drawbacks352
15-4 Foreign Trade Zones353
Key Terms354
Review and Discussion Questions354
Chapter Sixteen Using International Logistics for Competitive Advantage359
16-1 Communication Challenges360
16-2 International English361
16-3 Special English363
16-4 Metric System363
16-5 Cultural Sensitivity365
16-6 Specific Advice366
16-6a Terms of Payment366
16-6b Currency of Payment366
16-6c Incoterms367
16-6d Document Preparation367
16-6e Packaging367
Key Terms368
Review and Discussion Questions368
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