
- 出版社: SAGE
- ISBN:148333354X
- 出版时间:2015
- 标注页数:565页
- 文件大小:73MB
- 文件页数:586页
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1.The What and the Why of Statistics1
The Research Process2
Asking Research Questions3
The Role of Theory4
Formulating the Hypotheses5
Independent and Dependent Variables:Causality7
Independent and Dependent Variables:Guidelines9
Collecting Data10
Levels of Measurement11
Nominal Level of Measurement11
Ordinal Level of Measurement12
Interval-Ratio Level of Measurement12
Cumulative Property of Levels of Measurement13
Levels of Measurement of Dichotomous Variables13
Discrete and Continuous Variables16
A Closer Look 1.1:A Cautionary Note:Measurement Error16
Analyzing Data and Evaluating the Hypotheses17
Descriptive and Inferential Statistics17
Evaluating the Hypotheses18
Looking at Social Differences19
A Closer Look 1.2:A Tale of Simple Arithmetic:How Culture May Influence How We Count20
A Closer Look 1.3:Are You Anxious About Statistics?21
2.Organization of Information:Frequency Distributions27
Frequency Distributions28
Proportions and Percentages29
Percentage Distributions31
Statistics in Practice:Labor Force Participation Among Foreign Born33
The Construction of Frequency Distributions35
Frequency Distributions for Nominal Variables37
Frequency Distributions for Ordinal Variables37
Frequency Distributions for Interval-Ratio Variables38
Cumulative Distributions43
A Closer Look 2.1:Real Limits,Stated Limits,and Midpoints ofClass Intervals44
Statistics in Practice:Civilian Labor Force Participation Rates Over Time48
Reading the Research Literature:Statistical Tables48
Basic Principles49
Tables With a Different Format51
3.Graphic Presentation65
The Pie Chart:Race and Ethnicity of the Elderly66
The Bar Graph:Marital Status of the Elderly68
The Statistical Map:The Geographic Distribution of the Elderly70
The Histogram71
Statistics in Practice:Gender and Age73
The Line Graph75
Time-Series Charts77
A Closer Look 3.1:A Cautionary Note:Distortions in Graphs79
Statistics in Practice:The Graphic Presentation of Education81
4.Measures of Central Tendency96
The Mode97
The Median100
Finding the Median in Sorted Data101
An Odd Number of Cases101
An Even Number of Cases103
Finding the Median in Frequency Distributions104
Statistics in Practice:Gendered Income Inequality105
Locating Percentiles in a Frequency Distribution106
The Mean108
Calculating the Mean109
A Closer Look 4.1:Finding the Mean in a Frequency Distribution110
Understanding Some Important Properties of the Arithmetic Mean113
Interval-Ratio Level of Measurement113
Center of Gravity113
Sensitivity to Extremes113
The Shape of the Distribution:Television,Education,and Siblings116
The Symmetrical Distribution116
The Positively Skewed Distribution117
The Negatively Skewed Distribution119
Guidelines for Identifying the Shape of a Distribution120
Considerations for Choosing a Measure of Central Tendency121
Level of Measurement121
Skewed Distribution121
Symmetrical Distribution122
A Closer Look 4.2:A Cautionary Note:Representing Income122
5.Measures of Variability135
The Importance of Measuring Variability136
The Index of Qualitative Variation:A Brief Introduction138
Steps for Calculating the IQV139
A Closer Look 5.1:Statistics in Practice:Diversity at Berkeley Through the Years140
Expressing the IQV as a Percentage141
Statistics in Practice:Diversity in U.S.Society142
The Range143
The Interquartile Range:Increases in Elderly Population145
The Box Plot147
The Variance and the Standard Deviation:Changes in the Elderly Population151
Calculating the Deviation From the Mean152
Calculating the Variance and the Standard Deviation154
Focus on Interpretation:GDP for Selected Countries156
Considerations for Choosing a Measure of Variation159
Reading the Research Literature:Differences in College Aspirations and Expectations Among Latino Adolescents160
6.The Normal Distribution177
Properties of the Normal Distribution178
Empirical Distributions Approximating the Normal Distribution178
An Example:Final Grades in Statistics179
Areas Under the Normal Curve180
Interpreting the Standard Deviation181
Standard (Z) Scores182
Transforming a Raw Score Into a Z Score182
Transforming a Z Score Into a Raw Score184
The Standard Normal Distribution185
The Standard Normal Table185
The Structure of the Standard Normal Table186
Transforming Z Scores Into Proportions (or Percentages)187
Finding the Area Between the Mean and a Specified Positive Z Score188
Finding the Area Between the Mean and a Specified Negative Z Score188
Finding the Area Above a Positive Z Score or Below a Negative Z Score189
Transforming Proportions (or Percentages) Into Z Scores190
Finding a Z Score Bounding an Area Above It191
Finding a Z Score Bounding an Area Below It192
Working With Percentiles in a Normal Distribution193
Finding the Percentile Rank of a Score Higher Than the Mean193
Finding the Percentile Rank of a Score Lower Than the Mean194
Finding the Raw Score Associated With a Percentile Higher Than 50195
Finding the Raw Score Associated With a Percentile Lower Than 50196
A Final Note197
7.Sampling and Sampling Distributions206
Aims of Sampling207
Some Basic Principles of Probability209
Probability Defined209
The Relative Frequency Method209
The Normal Distribution and Probabilities210
Probability Sampling211
The Simple Random Sample211
The Systematic Random Sample213
The Stratified Random Sample214
A Closer Look 7.1:Disproportionate Stratified Samples and Diversity215
The Concept of the Sampling Distribution216
The Population217
The Sample218
The Dilemma219
The Sampling Distribution219
The Sampling Distribution of the Mean219
An Illustration219
The Mean of the Sampling Distribution222
The Standard Error of the Mean223
The Central Limit Theorem224
The Size of the Sample227
The Significance of the Sampling Distribution and the Central Limit Theorem227
Statistics in Practice:The Central Limit Theorem229
Estimation Defined238
Reasons for Estimation239
Point and Interval Estimation239
Procedures for Estimating Confidence Intervals for Means240
A Closer Look 8.1:Estimation as a Type of Inference241
Determining the Confidence Interval242
Calculating the Standard Error of the Mean243
Deciding on the Level of Confidence and Finding theCorresponding Z Value243
Calculating the Confidence Interval243
Interpreting the Results244
Reducing Risk244
Estimating Sigma246
Calculating the Estimated Standard Error of the Mean247
Deciding on the Level of Confidence and Finding theCorresponding Z Value247
Calculating the Confidence Interval247
Interpreting the Results247
Sample Size and Confidence Intervals247
A Closer Look 8.2:What Affects Confidence IntervalWidth?Summary249
Statistics in Practice:Hispanic Migration and Earnings250
Confidence Intervals for Proportions253
Procedures for Estimating Proportions254
Calculating the Estimated Standard Error of the Proportion255
Deciding on the Desired Level of Confidence and Findingthe Corresponding Z Value255
Calculating the Confidence Interval255
Interpreting the Results255
Statistics in Practice:The 2012 Benghazi Terrorist Attack Investigation256
Calculating the Estimated Standard Error of the Proportion256
Deciding on the Desired Level of Confidence and Finding theCorresponding Z Value257
Calculating the Confidence Interval257
Interpreting the Results257
A Closer Look 8.3:A Cautionary Note:The Margin of Error258
9.Testing Hypotheses267
Assumptions of Statistical Hypothesis Testing268
Stating the Research and Null Hypotheses269
The Research Hypothesis (H1)269
The Null Hypothesis (H0)269
More About Research Hypotheses:One- and Two-Tailed Tests270
Determining What Is Sufficiently Improbable:Probability Values and Alpha271
The Five Steps in Hypothesis Testing:A Summary275
Errors in Hypothesis Testing276
The t Statistic and Estimating the Standard Error278
The t Distribution and Degrees of Freedom278
Comparing the t and Z Statistics279
Statistics in Practice:The Earnings of White Women280
Testing Hypotheses About Two Samples281
The Assumption of Independent Samples282
Stating the Research and Null Hypotheses282
The Sampling Distribution of the Difference Between Means283
Estimating the Standard Error284
Calculating the Estimated Standard Error284
The t Statistic285
Calculating the Degrees of Freedom for a Difference Between Means Test285
A Closer Look 9.1:Calculating the Estimated Standard Error andthe Degrees of Freedom(df)When the Population VariancesAre Assumed to Be Unequal285
The Five Steps in Hypothesis Testing About Difference Between Means:A Summary286
Focus on Interpretation:Cigarette Use Among Teens287
Testing the Significance of the Difference Between Two Sample Proportions289
Statistics in Practice:Comparing First- and Second-GenerationHispanic Americans289
Focus on Interpretation:First- and Second-Generation Asian Americans291
A Closer Look 9.2:A Cautionary Note:Is There a Significant Difference?292
Reading the Research Literature:Reporting the Results ofStatistical Hypothesis Testing292
10.Bivariate Tables303
Independent and Dependent Variables304
How to Construct a Bivariate Table:Race and Home Ownership305
How to Compute Percentages in a Bivariate Table307
Calculating Percentages Within Each Category of the Independent Variable308
Comparing the Percentages Across Different Categories of theIndependent Variable308
A Closer Look 10.1:Percentaging a Bivariate Table309
How to Deal With Ambiguous Relationships Between Variables310
Reading the Research Literature:Place of Death in America312
The Properties of a Bivariate Relationship315
The Existence of the Relationship316
The Strength of the Relationship317
The Direction of the Relationship317
Testing for Nonspuriousness:Firefighters and Property Damage320
An Intervening Relationship:Religion and Attitude Toward Abortion323
Conditional Relationships:More on Abortion328
The Limitations of Elaboration330
Statistics in Practice:Family Support for the Transition From High School331
11.The Chi-Square Test and Measures of Association347
The Concept of Chi-Square as a Statistical Test350
The Concept of Statistical Independence350
The Structure of Hypothesis Testing With Chi-Square351
The Assumptions351
Stating the Research and the Null Hypotheses351
The Concept of Expected Frequencies352
Calculating the Expected Frequencies352
Calculating the Obtained Chi-Square354
The Sampling Distribution of Chi-Square355
Determining the Degrees of Freedom356
Making a Final Decision357
A Closer Look 11.1:A Cautionary Note:Sample Size and Statistical Significance for Chi-Square359
Focus on Interpretation:Education and Health Assessment360
Reading the Research Literature:Violent Offense Onset by Gender,Race,and Age362
Proportional Reduction of Error:A Brief Introduction363
A Closer Look 11.2:What Is Strong?What Is Weak?A Guide to Interpretation366
Lambda:A Measure of Association for Nominal Variables367
A Method for Calculating Lambda368
Some Guidelines for Calculating Lambda369
Cramer’s V:A Chi-Square-Related Measure of Association for Nominal Variables370
Focus on Interpretation:Gamma and Kendall’s Tau-b370
Using Ordinal Measures With Dichotomous Variables372
Focus on Interpretation:The Gender Gap in Gun Control373
12.Analysis of Variance388
Understanding Analysis of Variance389
The Structure of Hypothesis Testing With ANOVA391
The Assumptions391
Stating the Research and the Null Hypotheses and Setting Alpha392
The Concepts of Between and Within Total Variance392
A Closer Look 12.1:Decomposition of SST394
The F Statistic395
Making a Decision397
The Five Steps in Hypothesis Testing:A Summary397
A Closer Look 12.2:Assessing the Relationship Between Variables399
Focus on Interpretation:Are Immigrants Good for America’s Economy?399
Reading the Research Literature:Self-Image and Ethnic Identification400
Reading the Research Literature:Stresses and Strains Among Grandmother Caregivers402
13.Regression and Correlation413
The Scatter Diagram415
Linear Relations and Prediction Rules417
Constructing Straight-Line Graphs420
Finding the Best-Fitting Line422
Defining Error423
The Residual Sum of Squares (∑e2)423
The Least Squares Line424
Computing a and b for the Prediction Equation424
Interpreting a and b427
Statistics in Practice:Median Household Income and Criminal Behavior429
A Closer Look 13.1:Understanding the Covariance429
A Closer Look 13.2:A Note on Nonlinear Relationships430
Methods for Assessing the Accuracy of Predictions432
Prediction Errors434
The Coefficient of Determination (r2) as a PRE Measure437
Calculating r2439
Testing the Significance of r2 Using ANOVA441
Making a Decision443
Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient (r)443
Characteristics of Pearson’s r444
Statistics in Practice:Teen Pregnancy and Social Inequality445
Focus on Interpretation:The Marriage Penalty in Earnings448
Multiple Regression450
ANOVA for Multiple Linear Regression453
A Closer Look 13.3:A Cautionary Note:Spurious Correlations and Confounding Effects454
Appendix A.Table of Random Numbers477
Appendix B.The Standard Normal Table480
Appendix C.Distribution of t484
Appendix D.Distribution of Chi-Square486
Appendix E.Distribution of F487
Appendix F.A Basic Math Review489
Learning Check Solutions494
Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises504
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