

  • 杨信彰主编;刘承宇,李力编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:7040159872
  • 出版时间:2005
  • 标注页数:307页
  • 文件大小:54MB
  • 文件页数:321页
  • 主题词:语言学-概论-高等学校-教材


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Chapter 1 Language and Linguistics1

1.1 The Nature of Language1

1.1.1 Language Is Systematic2

1.1.2 Language Is Symbolic3

1.1.3 Language Is Arbitrary6

1.1.4 Language Is Primarily Vocal7

1.1.5 Language Is Human Specific10

1.1.6 Language Is Used for Communication12

1.2 The Functions of Language14

1.2.1 General Functions of Language14

1.2.2 Metafunctions of Language18

1.3 The Origin and Classification of Language20

1.3.1 The Origin of Language21

1.3.2 Language Families24

1.4 What Is Linguistics?26

1.4.1 Definition of Linguistics27

1.4.2 Some Important Distinctions in Linguistics29

1.5 The Scope of Linguistics35

1.5.1 Use of Linguistics35

1.5.2 Recent Developments38

Chapter 2 Phonetics and Phonology43

2.1 Production of Sounds43

2.1.1 Scope of Phonetics43

2.1.2 Articulation of Sounds45

2.1.3 Characteristics of English Speech Sounds51

2.1.4 The Transcription of Sounds54

2.2 Phonemes56

2.2.1 Definition of Phonemes56

2.2.2 Minimal Pairs58

2.2.3 Distinctive Features60

2.3 Sound Patterns62

2.3.1 Sequential Constraints62

2.3.2 Complementary Distribution64

2.4.1 Syllable65

2.4 Suprasegmental Features65

2.4.2 Stress67

2.4.3 Pitch69

2.4.4 Intonation and Tone70

Chapter 3 Morphology and Lexicon73

3.1 Word and Word Classes73

3.1.1 Word74

3.1.2 Word Classes75

3.2.1 What Is a Morpheme?81

3.2 Morpheme81

3.2.2 Types of Morphemes83

3.3 Inflection and Word-formation85

3.3.1 Inflection85

3.3.2 Word-formation86

3.4 Lexicon91

3.4.1 Lexeme91

3.4.2 Features of Lexicon93

4.1 Sentence Structure97

Chapter 4 Syntax97

4.1.1 Constituents98

4.1.2 Sentence Types100

4.2 Syntactic Function and Category104

4.2.1 Syntactic Function104

4.2.2 Category108

4.3 Transformational Rules111

4.3.1 Deep Structure and Surface Structure111

4.3.2 Sentence Transformations115

Chapter 5 Semantics123

5.1 Approaches to Meaning123

5.1.1 Meaning124

5.1.2 Three Approaches to Meaning129

5.2 Semantic Field and Semantic Relations134

5.2.1 Semantic Field134

5.2.2 Synonymy and Antonymy136

5.2.3 Meronymy and Hyponymy140

5.2.4 Polysemy and Homonymy142

5.2.5 Intersentential Semantic Relations146

5.3 Semantic Analysis151

5.3.1 Componential Analysis151

5.3.2 Predication Analysis154

5.3.3 Tautology and Metaphor157

Chapter 6 Pragmatics and Text Analysis161

6.1 Speech Act Theory162

6.1.1 Speech Act162

6.1.2 Indirect Speech Act166

6.2 The Cooperative Principle and the Politeness Principle169

6.2.1 The Cooperative Principle169

6.2.2 The Politeness Principle173

6.3 Presupposition and the Structure of Spoken Text177

6.3.1 Presupposition177

6.3.2 Exchange and Adjacency Pair181

6.4 Cohesion184

6.4.1 Reference185

6.4.2 Substitution and Ellipsis188

6.4.3 Conjunction192

6.4.4 Lexical Cohesion194

6.5 Thematic Structure and Information Unit197

6.5.1 Theme and Rheme197

6.5.2 Given and New200

7.1 Language Varieties203

Chapter 7 Language and Social Culture203

7.1.1 Dialect204

7.1.2 Register208

7.1.3 Ethnic Varieties209

7.2 Language and Culture211

7.2.1 The Relationship Between Language and Culture211

7.2.2 The Study of Language and Culture213

7.3 Language Change215

7.3.1 Causes of Language Change215

7.3.2 Lexical Change218

7.3.3 Sound Change221

7.3.4 Syntactical Change222

7.4 Language Planning223

7.4.1 Standard Language224

7.4.2 National Language and Official Language225

Chapter 8 Language Acquisition and Thought227

8.1 First Language Acquisition227

8.1.1 Difference Between Acquisition and Foreign Language Learning227

8.1.2 Development of First Language Acquisition229

8.2 Second Language Acquisition233

8.2.1 Major Features of Second Language Acquisition233

8.2.2 Internal and External Factors236

8.3 Language and Thought239

8.3.1 The Relationship Between Language and Thought239

8.3.2 Psychological Realities241

9.1.1 An Overview of Language Teaching247

9.1 Approaches to Language Teaching247

Chapter 9 Linguistics and Language Teaching247

9.1.2 The Relation of Linguistics to Language Teaching249

9.2 Syllabus Design253

9.2.1 Grammatical Syllabus254

9.2.2 Situational Syllabus255

9.2.3 Communicative Syllabus257

9.3 Language Testing258

9.3.1 An Overview of Language Testing258

9.3.2 Basic Considerations261

9.3.3 Types of Language Tests262

9.3.4 Language Test Development265

9.4 Error Analysis269

9.4.1 Some Basic Concepts269

9.4.2 Methods of Error Analysis272

Further Readings275


