

  • 加帕尔·买合皮尔,(哈萨克斯坦)И·В·谢维尔斯基主编;中国科学院新疆地理研究所,哈萨克斯坦国家科学院地理研究所编 著
  • 出版社: 乌鲁木齐:新疆科技卫生出版社
  • ISBN:7537213534
  • 出版时间:1997
  • 标注页数:232页
  • 文件大小:4MB
  • 文件页数:242页
  • 主题词:


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前言 加怕尔·买合皮尔、H·B·谢维尔斯基3

The effects of human activities on water resources and environment3

1. The geographic enviroment and the utilization of water and land resources in Balkhash-Alakul Basin Jappar Mahpir and Jilili Abuduwanli3

Introduction Jappar Mabpir and I.V.Seversky3


论巴尔喀什—阿拉湖流域自然地理环境及水土资源开发利用问题 加帕尔·买合皮尔、吉力力·阿不都成里3

2. The climate Trend in central Asia A·A·Tursunov17

亚洲中部气候变化趋势 A·A·图尔苏诺夫17

中国天山北麓地区水资源利用状况分析 王保栋30

3. An analysis of water resources utilization in Northern Tianshan Mountains China Wang Baodong30

4. Rational utilization of natural resources in Yili-Balkhash aneas J·Dostaev and A.A.Tursunov34

伊犁—巴尔喀什地区自然资源的合理开发途径 ?·多斯塔也夫、A·A·图尔苏诺夫35

艾比湖流域主要河流的径流量及艾比湖水量变化分析 李新43

5. Analyses of fluctuation in river flows and lake volumes in Ebinur Lake Li Xin43

人类活动对伊犁—巴尔喀什湖流域生态环境的影响与对策 加帕尔·买合皮尔49

6. A discussion on strategies for changes in ecological environment due to human activeties in Yili-Balkhash Lake Jappar Mahpir49

艾比湖及周边地区环境演变与对策 阎顺、杨云良63

7. An evaluation of environmental change in Ebinur lake and surrounding areas Yan shun and yang yun han63

玛纳斯湖消失及其生态环境问题 加帕尔·买合皮尔、阎顺、A·A·图尔苏诺夫71

8. The Vanishment of Manas Lake and its ecological significance Jappar Mahpir,Yan Shun and A.A.Tursunov71

阿拉湖盆地湖泊的水文生态评价 ?·多斯塔也夫、T·P·奥马罗夫等80

9. An evaluation of hydro-ecology in Alakul lake Basin J.Dostaev and T.P.Umarov80

10. The effects of human activties on Water quality in Ebinur Lake Li Xin84

人类活动对艾比湖水环境的影响 李新84

11. A geo-ecological evaluation in Kazakhstan mountains A.L.Kokarev I.N.Shesterova90

哈萨克斯坦高山地学生态学问题 A·?·科卡列夫、H.H.谢斯捷诺娃90

12. A discussion on sustainable development in the mountain areas in arid lands I.V.Seversky93

干旱区山地的稳定发展问题 H·B·谢维尔斯基93

Evaluation to snow and glacier resourees in tianshan Mountains101

13. The princlples and methods of snow eveluation in Tianshan Mountains I.V.Seversky101

天山积雪资源评估方法原理 H·B·谢维尔斯基101


14. The period of continuous snow cover in Tianshan Mountains H.V.Pimcnjuna118

天山山系的积雪持续期 H·B·彼曼金娜118

15. The effect of Mountain conditions and topography on snow distribution in inland areas I.V.Seversky124

内陆地区山文和地形对积雪颁影响 H·B·谢维尔斯基124

16. the characteristlcs of snow cover in Central Asia Hu Ruji,Ma Hong and Jiang Fengqing,ed .127

亚洲中部积雪的类型特征 胡汝骥、马虹、姜逢清等127

17. experience of evaluating snow distribution in Mountain areas with considerations of local factors C.I.Seversky and I.V.Seversky149

考虑地方性因素影响评估山区流域积雪分布的经验 C·H·谢维尔斯基、H·B·谢维尔斯基149

18. An analysis of Seasonal snow fluctuations in eastern Tianshan Mountains Jiang fengqing158

东天山北坡季节性积雪丰歉特征的初步分析 姜逢清158

19. Changes in Water content of snow during snow melting period Jiang Fengqing,Wang Chunniu and Xu junrong165

融雪期积雪含水率的时间与层位变化 姜逢清、王存牛、徐俊荣165

20. A suow cover study around Snow Research Station, Tianshan,China Qiu Jiaqi171

中国天山积雪雪崩站区积雪概况 仇家琪171

21. The winter precipitation around Snow Research Station,Tianshan,china Qiu Jiaqi181

中国天山积雪雪崩站区冬季降水研究 仇家琪181

22. An analysis of runoffin Gongnais River (near Snow Research Station,Tianshan) Liu Mingzhe191

巩乃斯河(天山积雪雪崩站)径流特征分析 刘明哲191

23. Avalanche potential in Tianshan Mountains V.P.Bulaveshisky,I.V.Seversky and Hu ruji198

天山山系的雪崩危险 B·H·布拉尕维申斯基、H·B·谢维尔斯基、胡汝骥198

24. The rate of material exchange and stability of glacier systems is Alto Mountains P.A.Cherkasov204

阿拉套山冰川系统的外界物质交换率及其稳定性 H·A·切尔卡索夫204

25. The glacation and glacier runoff in Balkhash Basin J.dostaev211

巴尔喀会湖流域冰川作用与冰川径流 ?·多斯塔也夫211

26. Phase and composition of warm season precipitation in the glacier areas in Alto Mountains P.A.Cherkasov and L.A.Yeliskovskaya215

阿拉套山系冰川区暖季大气降水的相成分 H·A·切尔卡索夫、?·A·叶里斯科夫斯卡娅215

27. The temperature coefficient of melting snow and ice on glacier surface P.A.Cherkasov224

冰川自然表面冰雪消融的温度系数 ?·A·切尔卡索夫224
