
- 杭宝桐,朱钟毅编著 著
- 出版社: 南宁:广西人民出版社
- ISBN:9113·50
- 出版时间:1984
- 标注页数:405页
- 文件大小:10MB
- 文件页数:422页
- 主题词:
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1.about almost nearly approximately1
2.accomplishment achievement deed feat exploit3
3.account article report version story5
4.active lively energetic vigorous8
5.admire honor respect10
6.adult mature grown-up ripe11
7.advance proceed progress13
8 afraid timid frightened scared terrified14
9.agree consent comply17
10.agreement contract treaty pact compact19
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12.allow permit let admit23
13.amuse entertain delight interest cheer divert24
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15.angry annoyed irritated exasperated enraged furious cross irritable31
16.annoy bother irritate vex33
17.answer reply respond35
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19.argue disagree dispute quarrel debate38
20.ask beg coax request demand41
21.attack bombard charge ambush storm43
22.attempt try undertake endeavor44
23.basic fundamental primary essential vital46
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25.battle struggle combat52
26.bear stand endure tolerate withstand53
27.beautiful pretty handsome attractive lovely55
28.beginning start origin source58
29.belief faith conviction confidence trust60
30.block check hinder obstruct prevent restrain bar62
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32.brave courageous bold heroic66
33.bravery courage boldness daring heroism valor68
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35.break interruption pause intermission recess72
36.breakable fragile delicate brittle crisp74
37.build construct manufacture assemble76
38.calm quiet soothe pacify77
39.calm quiet still cool peaceful79
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42.center middle heart core nucleus84
43.change alter convert shift transfer transform87
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45.choose select pick elect91
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52.conquer overcome104
53.conquest triumph victory105
54.consider weigh ponder contemplate107
55.contain hold include109
56.conversation chat discussion discourse parley110
57.crowd throng mob113
58.current up-to-date modern contemporary recent late114
59.damage ruin wreck destroy demolish spoil116
60.danger peril hazard menace threat118
61.dangerous unsafe risky hazardous precarious120
62.decide determine settle122
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66.dim 2 shady shadowy dark129
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70.docile tame domesticated134
71.doubt(v.)distrust suspect135
72.doubt(n.)misgiving distrust skepticism137
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74.dull uninteresting tiresome tedious monotonous boring143
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88.find discover detect173
89.firm company corporation175
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96.gang group band team189
97.gather collect accumulate assemble congregate190
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101.grand magnificent stately majestic noble199
102.habit customusage201
103.hate dislike detest loathe202
104.heavy cumbersome ponderous weighty205
105.help aid assist206
106.hide conceal208
107.hit strike slap beat flog thrash thump209
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109.hurry hasten rush speed hustle dash213
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112.imaginary fanciful fantastic ficticious220
113.inquire question221
114.interesting fascinating absorbing223
115.instrument tool implement device utensil appliance225
116.interfere meddle interrupt226
117.join combine unite connect link227
118.jump spring leap skip hop vault hurdle229
119.keep preserve conserve hold store231
120.kind sort category breed233
121.last finla closing concluding eventual ultimate235
122.laugh smile grin chuckle giggle snicker guffaw238
123.lengthen stretch extend prolong241
124.lift raise elevate heave hoist boost243
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126.limit restrict confine247
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136.mix blend mingle merge269
137.opinion view270
138.powerful mighty forceful potent271
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140.predict foretell forecast prophesy foresee275
141.pronounce profess state declare277
142.prosper flourish thrive279
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144.proud haughty conceited282
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148.queer odd unusual strange peculiar quaint eccentric290
149.real actual true genuine authentic292
150.reason cause294
151.remember recall recollect remind reflect295
152.repair fix mend patch298
153.result outcome consequence effect300
154.right correct302
155.rise soar ascend mount303
156.run jog sprint race304
157.sad unhappy downcast depressed melancholy mournful sorrowful306
158.send ship transmit dispatch deliver mail308
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190.wealth property riches treasure376
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194.worried concerned troubled disturbed nervous384
195.zone district area region belt386
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