
- 苗新萍,孙伟编著 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国书籍出版社
- ISBN:7506809168
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:371页
- 文件大小:9MB
- 文件页数:379页
- 主题词:日常会话
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PartⅠPublic Relations Etiquette第一部分 公共礼仪3
Lesson1 Meeting会面3
Lesson2 At the Airport在机场。10
Lesson3 Introducing 介绍17
Lesson4 Letters of Invitation邀请函22
Lesson5 Booking Rooms in a Hoteel订房间37
Lesson6 Finding the Way问路43
Lesson7 Travelling by Air乘飞机旅行49
Lesson8 Travelling by Railway铁路出行55
Lesson9 Taking a Bus公路出行62
Lesson10 Hiring a Taxi打车出行67
Lesson11 The Etiquette in Calling打电话礼仪72
Lesson12 Polite Way of Talking交谈礼仪78
Lesson13 Apologies and Excuses道歉85
Lesson14 Congratulations and Compliment祝贺94
Lesson15 Making Thanks致谢103
Lesson16 Letters of Thanks感谢信109
Lesson17 Theatre-going看演出116
Lesson18 Etiquette of Hunting for a Job求职礼仪123
Lesson19 Etipuette of Interviewing for a job面试礼仪130
Lesson20 After the Interview结束面试135
Lesson21 Recreational Activities娱乐场所礼仪141
Lesson22 Shopping购物150
Part Ⅱ Social Contacts Etiquette第二部分 社交礼仪159
Lesson23 Reception of Foreign Guest接待来宾159
Lesson24 The Welcoming Dinner欢迎晚宴165
Lesson25 Invitation and Reply邀请与答复172
Lesson26 At a Drink Party酒会礼仪177
Lesson27 The Etiquete in Visiting拜访礼仪183
Lesson28 Asking about Health问候健康191
Lesson29 Making an Appointment约会197
Lesson30 Cancelng or Changing Appointments*职消和改变约会202
Lesson31 Birthday Party生日晚会208
Lesson32 Sympathy and Consolation同情和安慰213
Lesson33 Wedding参加婚礼221
Lesson34 Present-giving赠送礼物226
Lesson35 Etiquette of New Year新年礼仪231
Lesson36 Funeral葬礼235
Lesson37 Letters of Condolence吊唁信240
Lesson38 Seeking Opinions(1)征求意见(一)246
Lesson39 Seeking OPinions(2)征求意见(二)252
Lesson40 Making Suggestions and Advice建议与忠告258
Lesson41 Persuasion劝告266
Lesson42 Sending Off送行274
Lesson43 Seeches致辞282
Lesson44 Complimenting称赞289
Lesson45 Request请求294
Lesson46 Visiting a Patient探访病人299
Lesson47 Etiquette of Weddings婚嫁礼仪303
Part Ⅲ Business Etiquette第三部分商务礼仪311
Lesson48 Etiquette of Businesss商务洽谈礼仪311
Lesson49 Sign Contracts签订合同319
Lesson50 Etiquette of Visiting参观礼仪325
Appendix 附录334
一、A Note of Polite Expressions礼貌语漫谈334
二、How to Speak Appropriately怎样说得体的语言353
三、How to Address Englishmen and Americans如何称呼英美人363
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