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汉语拼音字母表 The Chinese Phonetie Alphabet13
词类简称表 Abbreviations14
发音器官 Organs of Speech15
第一课 Lesson 11
一、韵母 Finals a o e i u ü9
二、声母 Initials b p m f d t n l9
三、拼音 Combinations of Initials and Finals9
四、声调 Tones9
五、生词 New Words9
六、注释 Notes9
1.汉语音节的构成 Formation of a Chinese Syllable9
2.i、u、ü自成音节时的写法 Way of Writing i,u and ü Which Form a Syllable by Themselves3.声调 Tones第二课 Lesson 29
一、韵母 Finals ai ei ao ou14
二、声母 Initials g k h14
三、拼音 Combinations of Initials and Finals14
四、声调 Tones14
五、生词 New Words14
六、会话 Dialogue14
七、注释 Notes14
1.两个三声音节连读 Pronunciation of a 3rd Tone Followed by Another 3rd Tone14
2.调号 Tone-Graph14
3.轻声 Neutral Tone14
第三课 Lesson 314
一、韵母 Finals an en ang eng ong18
二、拼音 Combinations of Initials and Finals18
三、生词 New Words18
四、声调 Tones18
五、会话 Dialogue18
六、注释 Notes18
1.半三声 Half 3rd Tone18
2.“不”的变调 Tone Changes of“不”18
第四课 Lesson 418
一、韵母 Finals ia ie iao iou(-iu) ian in iang ing iong24
二、声母 Initials j q x24
三、拼音 Combinations of Initials and Finals24
四、声调 Tones24
五、生词 New Words24
六、会话 Dialogue24
七、注释 Notes24
1.iou前面加声母时的写法 Way of Writing iou When Preceded by an Initial24
2.ie和üe中e的读音 Pronuuciation of e in,ie and üe24
3.ü上面两点的省略 Omission of the Two Dots above ü24
4.ia、ie、iao、iou、ian、in、iang、ing、iong自成音节时的写法 Way of Writing la,ie,iao,iou,ian,in,iang,ing,iong Which Form a Syllable by Themselves第五课 Lesson 524
一、韵母 Finals ua uo uai uei(-ui) uan uen(-un) uang ueng üe üan ün29
二、拼音 Combinations of Initials and Finals29
三、声调 Tones29
四、生词 New Words29
五、会话 Dialogue29
六、注释 Notes29
1.uei、uen前面加声母时的写法 Way of Writing uei,uen When Preceded by an Initial29
2.u在一个音节开头时的写法 Way of Writing u That Begins a Syllable29
3.üe、üan、ün 自成音节时的写法Way of Writing üe,üan and ün Which Forms a Syllable by Themselves第六课 Lesson 629
一、韵母 Finals-i[1] er35
二、声母 Initials z c s35
三、拼音 Combinations of Initials and Finals35
四、声调 Tones35
五、生词 New Words35
六、会话 Dialogue35
七、注释 Notes35
1.韵母 er Final er35
2.zi、ci、si的韵母 Final i in zi,ci and si35
3.隔音符号 Dividing Mark35
第七课 Lesson 735
一、韵母 Final-i[?]40
二、声母 Initials zh ch sh r40
三、拼音 Combinations of Initials and Finals40
四、声调 Tones40
五、生词 New Words40
六、会话 Dialogue40
七、注释 Notes40
zhi、chi、shi、ri的韵母 Final i in zhi,chi,shi and ri40
第八课 Lesson 840
一、生词 New Words43
二、会话 Dialogue43
附:北京语音表 Table of the Speech Sounds of Beijing Dialect43
第九课 Lesson 943
一、情景对话 Situational Dialogues56
二、生词 New Words56
三、注释 Notes56
四、语法 Grammar56
1.主语和谓语 The Subject and the Predicate56
2.“是”字句 Sentences with“是”56
3.疑问句(1) Interrogative Sentences(A)56
五、语音语调 Pronunciation and Intonation56
词重音(1) Word Stress(A)56
六、练习 Exercises56
第十课 Lesson 1056
一、情景对话 Situational Dialogues71
二、生词 New Words71
三、注释 Notes71
2.副词“都” The Adverb“都”71
四、语法 Grammar71
1.动词谓语句 Sentences with a Verbal Predicate71
2.疑问句(2) Interrogative Sentences(B)71
3.定语和结构助词“的” The Adjectival Modifier and the Structural Particle“的”4.“几”和“多少”“几”and“多少”五、语音语调 Pronunciation and Intonation词重音(2) Word Stress(B)六、练习 Exercises第十一课 Lesson 1171
一、情景对话 Situational Dialogues1
二、生词 New Words1
三、注释 Notes1
副词“还”(1) The Adverb“还”1
四、语法 Grammar84
1.量词 Measure Words84
2.用“…,好吗?”来提问 Ask Questions with“好吗”84
4.省略 Omission84
五、语音语调 Pronunciation and Intonation84
词重音(3) Word Stress(C)84
六、练习 Exercises84
第十二课 Lesson 1284
复习(一) Revision(1)90
一、语法小结 A Brief Summary of Grammar90
1.两种句子:Two Types of Sentences90
(1)“是”字句 Sentences with“是”90
(2)动词谓语句 Sentences with a Verbal Predicate90
2.两种疑问句:Two Types of Interrogative Sentences90
(1)疑问句(1) Interrogative Sentences(A)90
(2)疑问句(2) Interrogative Sentences(B)90
3.定语 Adjectival Modifiers90
4.量词 Measure Words90
二、练习 Exercises90
第十三课 Lesson 1390
一、情景对话 Situational Dialogues102
二、生词 New Words102
三、注释 Notes102
2.副词“再” The Adverb“再”102
3.动词重叠“看看” The Reduplication of the Verb“看”102
四、语法 Grammar102
1.形容词谓语句 Sentences with an Adjective as Their Predicate102
2.疑问句(3) Interrogative Sentences(C)102
五、语音语调 Pronunciation and Intonation102
句重音(1) Sentence Stress(A)102
六、练习 Exercises102
第十四课 Lesson 14102
一、情景对话 Situational Dialogues100
二、生词 New Words100
三、注释 Notes100
四、语法 Grammar100
1.一百以内的称数法 Numeration of Numbers below100
2.人民币的计算 The Counting of Renminbi115
3.双宾语动词谓语句 Two-Object Sentences with a Verbal Predicate115
五、语音语调 Pronunciation and Intonation115
句重音(2) Sentence Stress(B)115
六、练习 Exercices115
第十五课 Lesson 15115
一、情景对话 Situational Dialogues129
二、生词 New Words129
三、注释 Notes129
1.年龄 Age129
2.连词“和” The Conjunction“和”129
四、语法 Grammar129
1.“有”字句 Sentences with“有”129
2.主谓谓语句 Sentences with a Subject-Predic129
ate Structure as Their Predicate129
3.介词“在” The Preposition“在”129
五、语音语调 Pronunciation and Intonation129
句重音(3) Sentence Stress(C)129
六、练习 Exercises129
第十六课 Lesson 16129
复习(二) Revision(2)136
一、语法小结 A Brief Summary of Grammar136
1.四种句子:Four Types of Sentences136
(1)双宾语动词谓语句 Two-Object Sentences136
with a Verbal Predicate136
(2)形容词谓语句 Sentence with an Adjective as Their Predicate136
(3)“有”字句 Sentences with“有”136
(4)主谓谓语句 Sentences with a Subject-Predicate Structure as Their Predicate136
2.疑问句(3) Interrogative Sentences(C)136
二、练习 Exercises136
第十七课 Lesson 17136
一、情景对话 Situational Dialogues148
二、生词 New Words148
三、注释 Notes148
1.“有”表示存在“有” Indicating Existence148
2.“…极了” The Structure“…极了”148
四、语法 Grammar148
1.“的”字结构 The Structure with“的”148
2.疑问句(4) Interrogative Sentences(D)148
五、语音语调 Pronunciation and Intonation148
句重音(4) Sentence Stress(D)148
六、练习 Exercises148
第十八课 Lesson 18148
一、情景对话 Situational Dialogues161
二、生词 New Words161
三、语法 Grammar161
1.名词谓语句 Sentences with a Nominal Predicate161
2.时间词 Time Words161
四、语音语调 Pronunciation and Intonation161
句重音(5) Sentence Stress(E)161
五、练习 Exercises161
第十九课 Lesson 19161
一、情景对话 Situational Dialogues174
二、生词 New Words174
三、注释 Notes174
1.动宾结构作宾语 A Verb-Objeci Structure Used as an Object174
四、语法 Grammar174
1.年、月、日和星期 The Year,Month,Date and Day of the Week174
2.程度补语 Complements of Degree174
3.前置宾语 Preposed Objects174
五、语音语调 Pronunciation and Intonation174
句重音(6) Sentence Stress(F)174
六、练习 Exercises174
第二十课 Lesson 20174
复习(三) Revision(3)181
一、语法小结 A Brief Summary of Grammar181
1.名词谓语句 Sentences with a Nominal Predicate181
2.“的”字结构 Structures with“的”181
3.疑问句(4) Interrogative Sentences(D)181
4.程度补语 Complements of Degree181
5.前置宾语 Preposed Object181
二、练习 Exercises181
第二十一课 Lesson 21181
一、情景对话 Situational Dialogues195
二、生词 New Words195
三、注释 Notes195
四、语法 Grammar195
1.连动句 Multi-Verbal Sentences195
2.介词结构作状语 Prepositional Structures Used as Adverbial Modifiers195
五、语音语调 Pronunciation and Intonation195
句重音(7) Sentence Stress(G)195
六、练习 Exercises195
第二十二课 Lesson 22195
一、情景对话 Situational Dialogues1
二、生词 New Words1
三、注释 Notes1
1.“从…到…” The Structure“从…到…”1
2.“有”表示估量“有” Indicating Estimate1
3.副词“就”(1) The Adverb“就”1
四、语法 Grammar208
1.存在句 Existential Sentences208
2.方位词 Locative Words208
五、语音语调 Pronunciation and Intonation208
句重音(8) Sentence Stress(H)208
六、练习 Exercises208
第二十三课 Lesson 23208
一、情景对话 Situational Dialogues1
二、生词 New Words1
三、注释 Notes1
1.助词“吧”(1) The Modal Particle“吧”1
2.“…的时候” The Structure “…的时候”221
四、语法 Grammar221
1.兼语句 Pivotal Sentences221
2.动词和动词结构作定语 Verbs or Verbal Structures Used as Adjectival Modifiers221
五、语音语调 Pronunciation and Intonation221
句重音(9) Sentence Stress(Ⅰ)221
六、练习 Exercises221
第二十四课 Lesson 24221
复习(四) Revision(4)232
一、语法小结 A Brief Summary of Grammar232
1.三种句子 Three Types of Sentences232
(1)连动句 Multi-Verbal Sentences232
(2)存在句 Existential Sentences232
(3)兼语句 Pivotal Sentences232
2.状语 Adverbial Modifiers232
3.动词和动词结构作定语 Verbs or Verbal Structures Used as Adjectival Modifiers232
二、练习 Exercises232
词汇表 Vocabulary232
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