白领英语晨读经典365 下【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 吴颖,邓菲主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:石油工业出版社
- ISBN:9787502157999
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:369页
- 文件大小:65MB
- 文件页数:371页
- 主题词:英语-语言读物
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卷首语 让我成为你的朋友1
182 Anger Therapy 愤怒疗方2
183 Bear Your Name on the Clay 让大地铭记你的名字4
184 Eternal Youth 永恒的青春6
185 A Grain of Wheat 一颗麦粒8
186 It Doesn't Interest Me 无关紧要10
187 Communication Skill and Learning Ability 交流与学习能力12
188 Orion 奥利安14
189 Golden Goals 远大的目标16
190 The Arrow And The Song 箭与歌18
191 FengShui Heated in the US “风水”在美国升温20
192 Respect Time 尊重时间22
193 Dance like No one Watching 一个人的精彩24
194 Five Important Skills for Employees 雇员所需要具备的五大技能26
195 Read What? 我们该读些什么?28
196 Early Spring 早春30
197 The Value Of Time 时间的价值32
198 The Splashes of Life 生命的波纹34
199 Your House 你的家36
200 I'm a Cloud 我是一片云38
201 You Are Fortunate 你是幸运的40
202 What Is Success? 成功是什么?42
203 Father in the Eyes of Son 儿子眼中的父亲44
204 The Definition of Happiness 幸福的定义46
205 Beauty in Eyes 眼中的美丽48
206 Five Powers for Employees 雇员所拥有的五种权力50
207 Natural Beauty 自然之美52
208 If 如果54
209 Internet Use 互联网的使用56
210 "There"is no better than"Here" 知足常乐58
211 My Mother Taught Me 母亲教我的60
212 The Rule of Reading 阅读的规则62
213 Four Wives in Our Life 人生的四位爱人64
214 Ballot Box 投票箱66
215 Gratitude to Be 感恩之心68
216 The Flood 洪水70
217 Home on the Way 移动的家72
218 The Wonder of Words 英语的魅力74
219 All I Want to Know 我心所想76
220 Snowdrop 雪花莲78
221 Short Life 短暂的生命80
222 Art,Not for Show 艺术,不是作秀82
223 The Price of Having a Baby 要小孩的代价84
224 What's NASDAQ? 纳斯达克86
225 Like Myself 爱自己88
226 The Notion of Progress 进步的理念90
227 Right Now 趁现在92
228 Faith in God 信仰94
229 The Hygiene Habits of Amencans 美国人的卫生习惯96
230 The Incomprehensible Creature—Women 女人——这种不可思议的生物98
231 People Are Sheep 人如绵羊100
232 We Adhere to"One China" 我们坚持“一个中国”102
233 Subtle Feelings 淡淡的情104
234 Easter Egg 复活节彩蛋106
235 What Is Life? 人生是什么?108
236 The Bight 海湾110
237 Joy in Living 生活的欢乐112
238 Women's Situation 妇女的境况114
239 Help Me,God 上帝,帮帮我吧116
240 Personal Budget 个人预算118
241 If I Were a Boy Again 假如我又回到童年120
242 Best Wishes from Grandpa 爷爷的希望122
243 Marriage of America 美国的婚姻124
244 Bumps and Bruises 人生暗礁126
245 The Great One 伟大128
246 No Money,No Mate 佳偶有财130
247 The Falling Kid 跌倒的小孩132
248 Act Now 立刻行动134
249 Advantage of Budget 预算的好处136
250 Wonder Woman 女人是超人138
251 Tossing in the Sea of Book 沉浮书海140
252 I Speak For 我要为她们讲几句话142
253 The Young in China 中国青年144
254 Remembrance of"9·11" 缅怀“9·11”146
255 Defend Our Nation 保卫国家148
256 Summer Wakes Up 初夏纪事150
257 You Can Make It 你能行152
258 You Are a Marvel 你是独一无二的154
259 The Blue Day 忧郁的日子156
260 Symmetry and Mate Choosing 平衡性与择偶158
261 Firefly 萤火虫160
262 Love You Till I Die 爱你至死不渝162
263 The Lake of Autumn 秋之湖164
264 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep 美丽不是肤浅166
265 Falling and Failure 摔倒与失败168
266 A Kid Again 回到童年170
267 What I Pray For 我所祈求的172
268 Warble for Lilac-Time 为丁香花季节而歌唱174
269 We're the Judge 我们是评判者176
270 Creating a Budget 创建预算178
271 The Slimmer the Better 瘦身指南180
272 Goodness Never Gone 美好永存182
273 Develop Your Character 注重内涵184
274 The Best Season for Thinking 思考的最佳季节186
275 What Is Love? 爱是什么?188
276 Windflowers 风飞花190
277 Give Voice to Women 女人的话语权192
278 Start Over Your Life 重新起航194
279 American Weddings 美国式婚礼196
280 Advice from Educationist 教育专家的忠告198
281 Eros(Cupid) 厄洛斯(丘比特)200
282 Ballet 芭蕾舞202
283 Make Your Life Better 让你的生活更美好204
284 Women's Intuition 女人的直觉206
285 Army Life 军旅生活208
286 Like Yourself,Like Others 爱自己才能爱别人210
287 The Hurting Joy of Being a Mother 母亲,痛并快乐着212
288 Money Can Buy Happiness 钱能买来快乐214
289 Threat of Bomb 炸弹的威胁216
290 Compared with Father 与父亲相比218
291 Violation of Women's Right 对妇女权益的侵犯220
292 Love's Witness 爱情证书222
293 Why Traditional Festivals? 传统节日?224
294 Love with an Open Hand 对爱放手226
295 Worthwhile Humanity 人性的价值228
296 Vocabulary and Success 词汇量与成功230
297 War and Human 战争与人类232
298 I Asked God 我祈求上帝234
299 Grooming and Hygiene 仪容与卫生236
300 When Youth's Gone 当青春不再238
301 The Science of Love 爱情的科学240
302 Test of God 上帝的考验242
303 Charming Paris 魅力巴黎244
304 The Music Within 心灵深处的音乐246
305 The Limits of Courage 勇气的极限248
306 Fitness in America 美国人的健美观250
307 Familiar Love 爱情,似曾相识252
308 The Threshold of New Era 新时代的挑战254
309 Let's Pray World Peace 让我们祈祷世界和平256
310 Unconditional Friendship 友谊无条件258
311 What Mother Likes? 妈妈到底爱什么?260
312 The Goodness of Life 生命中的美好262
313 Reader's Responsibility 读者的责任264
314 Serenity Prayer 祈祷平静266
315 The Truth about Love 爱情的真相268
316 The Study of Women 论女人270
317 American Culture Influenced by China 中国对美国文化的影响272
318 Color and Mood 颜色与情绪274
319 Time is Money 时间就是金钱276
320 The Lucky One 幸运的人278
321 Transparent as Glass 如玻璃般透明280
322 Hugging 拥抱282
323 Everyone Deserves Your Attention 重视每个人284
324 The Titles 称呼286
325 It's All on My Hand 幸福在我自己手中288
326 Relax,Man 嘿,放松点290
327 Cost of Love 爱的代价292
328 The Love of Silicon Valley Style 硅谷式的爱情294
329 May You 祝愿296
330 Life of Purpose 有目标的人生298
331 Gentleness Vs Force 温柔与力量300
332 God is a Girl 上帝是个女孩302
333 Sink into Music 沉浸于音乐之美304
334 Make Friends 交朋友306
335 Ideal Mate 理想伴侣308
336 Our Story is Ending 我们的爱情已经落幕310
337 Tradition Can Be Changed 传统可改312
338 Mom's Hand 妈妈的手314
339 Two Cards 两张卡片316
340 Smile in Different Culture 笑的不同含义318
341 Give it Freedom 让它自由320
342 Just for the Joy 为了快乐322
343 Honeysuckle 忍冬324
344 Ask Yourself about Your Job 对于工作的自省326
345 The Core of Art 艺术的本质328
346 The Power of Challenge 挑战的力量330
347 Lighthouse Can't Move 人生灯塔不可移332
348 Ten Commandments of Friendship 朋友十诫334
349 Promise Yourself 承诺自己336
350 Lonely as a Cloud 孤独的一片云338
351 The Unique Father 父爱,无可替代340
352 Mamma,I'll Tell You 妈妈,我要对你说342
353 How to Read a Book? 怎样读书?344
354 Love Me or Not 爱与不爱346
355 A Desirable Wife 理想的妻子348
356 Love like You've Never Been Hurt 义无反顾的爱350
357 Chinese Culture Wakes up in the U.S. 中国文化在美国的复苏352
358 Focus on the Joy 关注生活之乐354
359 The Christmas Spirit 圣诞节精神356
360 The Change of Standard for Mate 配偶标准的改变358
361 These Things Can Never Die 这些东西永不会消逝360
362 Love Your Job 爱上工作362
363 Father,My Hero 父亲,我的英雄364
364 Preparation for Living 对生活的准备366
365 My Tough Girlfriend 我的野蛮女友368
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