
- 孙建主编 著
- 出版社: 上海:上海三联书店
- ISBN:7542614622
- 出版时间:2001
- 标注页数:627页
- 文件大小:14MB
- 文件页数:653页
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Ⅰ.Natural Environment 自然环境篇1
(1)Natural Environment 自然环境3
1.New York As I See It 纽约之我见3
2.Kirkwall 柯克沃尔5
3.Piccadilly before Dawn 黎明前的皮卡迪利大街6
4.Lisbon,Portugal 葡萄牙里斯本8
5.Oxford Street after Bombing 轰炸后的牛津街11
6.Dusk 黄昏小景13
7.A Dry World 干旱之地15
1.Coming Home 归航17
(2)Particular Scenes 特设场景17
2.The Bonfire 欢庆篝火19
3.Pleasure Spots 极乐世界21
4.At the Funfair 游乐场感怀22
(3)Seasons 四季24
1.Country Spring 乡间春色24
2.Spring Walk 春日漫步27
3.August 八月29
4.An Autumnal Day 秋日掠影31
5.A Winter Morning 冬日之晨33
6.A Winter Night Journey 冬夜之旅35
1.The Sea 大海36
(4) Scenery 自然景物36
2.Night 夜38
3.Valley at Sunset 山谷夕照40
4.AT the Dock 码头边43
5.A Wet Sunday in a Country Inn 乡间客栈的一个阴雨星期天44
6.Desert Plants 沙漠植物46
7.A Night in the Open 夜宿野外48
8.At Khartoum 喀土穆剪影50
9.The Way to Rainy Mountain 雨山行52
(5)Climate 气候55
1.The Coming of a Storm 风暴将至55
2.Disastrous Rain 暴雨成灾57
3.The Storm 暴风雨即景59
4.The Angry Wind 狂风61
5.Hurricanes 飓风63
6.Precipitation 降水65
(6)Animals 动物世界67
1.Insects 昆虫记趣67
2.Otters 水獭69
3.Lora 海豹劳拉70
4.Lovely Scorpions 可爱的蝎子73
5.Goose Fight 鹅斗偶记75
6.Communication between Cicadas 蝉的交流77
7.Chimpanzees and Man 黑猩猩与人类78
8.Beavers 河狸的生活81
9.What Can We Learn from Ants? 蚂蚁的启示82
Ⅱ.Traves 旅游篇85
(1)Travel Experience 旅游经历87
1.The Sunsets of Niamey 尼亚美的日落87
2.A Mountain Trip in Austria 奥地利高山行89
3.A Visit to the Summer Palace 颐和园游记91
4.My Experience in Australia 我在澳洲的经历93
5.Visiting Fiji 斐济之旅95
6.My Travel Notes 我的游记98
7.Across Tibet s Untamed Land 穿越西藏荒原100
8.A Visit to New Zealand 新西兰之旅102
(2)Exploration 探险历险104
1.Dreams of Adventure in the Sabara 撒哈拉探险之梦104
2.Night Rowing 深夜划船106
3.Skydiving 高空跳伞108
4.Experience in the Rainforest 雨林历险110
5.Fieldwork in Africa 非洲野外考察113
6.Running of the Bulls…a Bit of a Marathon 与牛赛跑115
7.Camping in the Snow 雪地露营117
8.Swimming with Whale Sharks 与鲸鲨共游119
9.Adventures in Spain 西班牙历险121
(3)Recreation 文化娱乐124
1.The New Shanghai Museum 上海新博物馆124
2.Stamp Collecting 集邮126
3.Go Flying a Kite 放飞风筝129
4.My Story of Raising Pigeons 养鸽的故事131
5.Mulan,the Animated Film 动画片《花木兰》133
6.New Music 新音乐136
7.How to Make Good Photos 摄影技巧139
8.Drive-in Cinema 露天电影141
9.Go Fishing 钓鲑鱼143
(4)Holiday Resort 旅游胜地145
1.The Imperial Palace 故宫145
2.Egypt 埃及148
3.Shakespeare s Hometown 莎士比亚的故乡150
4.The Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔152
5.National Parks 国家公园154
6.The Louvre 卢浮宫157
7.Lhasa 拉萨159
8.Laoshan 崂山161
9.Beidaihe 北戴河163
1.Guilin 桂林165
(5)Famous city 著名城市165
2.Washington,D.C. 华盛顿168
3.Hangzhou 杭州170
4.The Fragrant Harbour 香港172
5.The Big Apple 纽约174
6.Wonderful Copenhagen 哥本哈根176
7.Miami 迈阿密179
Ⅲ.Social Life 社会生活篇183
(1)Life on Campus 校园生活185
1.A Man to Remember 值得怀念的人185
2.My Experiences with My Teachers 教过我的老师们186
3.The Harvard of the West-Stanford University 西部的哈佛--斯坦福大学189
4.The Problem of the Universith Education 大学教育的问题191
5.Education 教育193
6.Curriculum 课程195
(2)Farmily Life 家庭生活197
1.Housework 家务197
2.Woman 妇女199
3.My Story 我的故事201
4.My Mental Family Album 我记忆中的家庭相册202
5.Keeping Dogs 养狗204
6.Aunt Mathida 马西尔达婶婶205
7.Spoiling the Youngest Child 溺爱幼子207
8.Going to the Country Fair 去乡村游乐场209
(3) Life in the City and Countryside 城乡生活211
1.City 城市211
2.The Three New Yorks 三个纽约212
3.Streets and Sidewalks 马路和人行道213
4.Farm Work 农活215
5.A Disney Movie about a Farm Family 关于一个农户的迪斯尼电影216
(4)Customs and Habits 习惯218
1.Face 面子218
2.Superstitions:Just Whistling in the Dark 迷信:在黑暗中吹口哨220
3.Marrying Absurd 荒诞婚姻223
4.Chopsticks 筷子225
5.Feng Shui 风水227
6.Dream 梦229
(5)Sports,Hygiene and Health 体育、卫生及健康231
1.Sports 体育231
2.Thai Boxing 泰拳232
3.Sumo 相扑233
4.A Basketball Star 篮球明星235
5.Are They Really Heroes? 他们是真正的英雄吗?236
6.My Mom Smokes 我妈妈吸烟238
7.How to Strengthen Your Memory Power 如何增强记忆力239
8.Better Life for You 生活更美好241
9.Secondhand Smoke 被动吸烟244
10.A Healthy Diet for Everyone 大众健康饮食245
(6)Food 食品247
1.In Defence of English Cooking 并非一无是处的英国菜247
2.To Be or Not to Be 素食者须知250
3.Making Sausages 香肠的制作252
4.Cheese 奶酪254
(7)Youth Growth 青少年成长257
1.A Turning Point in My Life 我生命中的转折点257
2.Growing Pains 成长的烦恼259
3.Our Undergraduate Education 我们的大学教育261
4.The Bright Child and the Dull Child 敏儿与愚儿263
(8) Friend-making and Marriage 交友及婚姻265
1.Types of Friends 朋友的类型265
2.On Making Friends 论交友267
3.Friendship in America 美国人的友谊269
4.We Usually Like People Who Like Us 我们常喜欢那些喜欢我们的人271
5.Americans Mobility and Friendship 美国人的流动性和友情272
6.Several Kinds of Women Friends 几种类型的女性朋友274
7.All for Love 一切为了爱276
8.An Irish Wedding 爱尔兰人的婚礼278
9.Recollections of My Early Love 早年爱情琐忆280
(9)Recall of Past Events 往事回忆282
1.Julia in My Memory 记忆中的朱丽亚282
2.Terror Fighting 战胜恐惧284
3.School Memories 学校生活的回忆286
4.Bilingual Childhood 双语环境中的童年288
5.My Grandmother s Thimble 祖母的针箍291
(10)Festival Celebration 节日庆典293
1.Christmas Day 圣诞节293
2.Palm Sunday 棕榈主日295
3.Easter Celebration 复活节庆典297
4.Ceremony for Olympic Rome 罗马奥运会开幕式盛况299
5.All Hallow s Eve 万圣节301
Ⅳ.Communication and Speech Skills 社交口才篇305
(1)Communication 交际307
1.Resolving Interpersonal Conflicts 解决人际间的矛盾307
2.Having Realistic Expectation 不抱不切实际的期望308
3.Persuasion 劝说309
4.Nonverbal Communication 不使用语言的交际311
5.The Interview 面试313
6.Communication Is Not Simple 交际并非易事315
7.The Tendency to Favor Negative Impressions 偏重负面印象的倾向317
8.Facial Expressions 面部表情319
9.Effective Meetings 富有成效的会议320
(2)Etiquette 礼仪323
1.At a Dance 舞会上323
2.With a Lady 和女士在一起324
3.In Church 做礼拜326
4.Menu Selection in Business Etiquette 商业礼仪:点菜327
5.Present-giving in Germany 在德国送礼329
6.The Encounter in Job Interview 择业面试330
7.What to Wear in England 英国人的穿着打扮332
1.About Introduction 关于介绍335
(3)Speech Skills 谈吐技巧335
2.Replying to Thanks,Compliments and Requests 对感谢、恭维及请求的回答336
3.Begging Pardon and Replying 道歉和回答338
4.The Right Attitude 正确的态度339
5.Learn to Be Good at Conversation 学会交谈341
6.How to Use Words 怎样用词342
7.Appealing to Audience s Emotions 调动听众的情绪344
(4)Moulding a Good Sentiment 陶冶情操347
1.Judging Musical Performance 评判音乐演奏347
2.The Night Vigil 夜不眠349
3.Musical Style 音乐风格350
4.How to Begin a Picture 怎样开始作画353
5.The Elements of Opera 歌剧的要素355
Ⅴ.Science and Technology 科技篇359
(1)Mass Media 大众媒体361
1.Mass Communication 大众传播361
2.Digitalization:Freedom form Space and Time 摆脱时空的数字化363
3.New Technologies of Delivery 信息传递的新技术365
4.The Development of Radio 无线电的发展367
5.Television and Movies 电视与电影369
(2)Computer 电脑世界371
1.Computers 电脑371
2.Computer-aided Instruction 计算机辅助教育373
3.E-mial and E-paper 电子邮件与电子报纸375
4.The Use of Computer 计算机的应用377
5.The History of Computer Games 电脑游戏发展史378
6.A Brief History of Development of Computer 计算机发展简史381
(3)Invention and Discovery 发明创造384
1.Invention of Telephone 电话的发明384
2.Dolly,the Sheep Cloned from Udder 克隆羊多利387
3.Curing Childhood Leukemia 小儿白血病的治疗389
4.The Fiber Optic Revolution 光纤革命391
5.Human Gene Testing 基因检测394
6.Digital Camera 数码相机396
7.Television Grows Up 电视的发展399
8.Lasers and Eye Surgery 激光与眼科手术401
(4)Famous Scientists 著名科学家404
1.Albert Einstein 艾伯特·爱因斯坦404
2.Afred Nobel:A Man of Peace 艾尔弗雷德·诺贝尔 一个和平主义者406
3.Marie Curie:A 20th-Century Woman 玛丽·居里:20世纪的女性408
4.Isaac Newton 艾萨克·牛顿410
5.Tsiolkovskii and Space Travel 齐奥尔科夫斯基与太空旅行412
6.The Lumiere Brothers and the Cinema 吕米埃兄弟与电影414
7.Alexander Fleming and Penicillin 亚历山大·弗莱明与青霉素416
Ⅵ.Literature 文学篇419
(1)Masterpieces 名著佳篇421
1.The Countryside 乡下421
2.Thoughts on a Country Road 乡间小路的遐想422
3.An Old Negro Woman 黑人老妇424
4.Sunday before War 战前星期天426
5.My House 我的家427
6.The Rabbits Who Caused All the Trouble 总惹麻烦的兔子429
7.Remembrance 回忆431
(2)Personal Portrayal 人物描写432
1.Jane 简432
2.Julia 朱丽娅434
3.President John F.Kennedy 肯尼迪总统436
4.Miss O 欧小姐437
5.A Little Girl 小女孩439
6.Father 父亲441
7.My Grandmother 我的祖母443
8.Walt Whitman 惠特曼445
9.Heathcliff 希斯克利夫446
(3)Situations 情境设计448
1.At the Street Corner 街角448
2.Going Home 回家450
3.On a Commuter Train 在上下班列车上451
4.Summer 夏453
5.A Narrow Escape 九死一生455
6.In a Fast Food Restaurant 在快餐店457
7.Seeing off a Friend 送别友人458
8.It Is Not a Love Story 并非爱情故事460
(4)Famous Sayings 名言摘录462
1.On Etiquette 论礼仪462
2.Address at Gettysburg 葛底茨堡演说463
3.Upon Affectation 论矫情465
4.I Have a Dream 我有一个梦想467
5.The Value of Time 时间的价值468
1.Busy Weekends 周末没空470
(5)Humor 幽默470
2.A False Alarm 虚惊一场471
3.On the Frontling 前线473
4.Congratulation 祝贺辞474
5.The First One?The Third One? 第一个?第三个?475
6.A Trace of Childlike Innocence 童心未泯476
7.A Busy Schedule 紧张的日程表478
8.Nuisance Call 讨厌的电话479
9.Tit for Tat 针锋相对480
Ⅶ.Business 商业篇483
1.Managing the Future 把握未来485
(1)Market 市场485
2.Self-regulatory Mechanisms in a Market Economy 市场经济中的自动调节机制487
3.Bankruptcies and the Reorganization of Firms 破产与公司重组489
4.The Asian Market Economies 亚洲的市场经济491
5.Securities Markets 证券市场493
(2)Buy and Sale 买卖496
1.TO Know Your Buyers Characteristics 了解买家的特点496
2.Determining the Best Type of Real Estate Investment 确定最佳房地产投资方式497
3.To Be Dropped by the Insurance Company 被保险公司解约499
4.Sales by Auction 拍卖出售501
1.What Does the Customer Want? 顾客需要什么?503
(3)Services 服务503
2.Service to People 为人提供的服务505
3.Pricing Honestly 诚实标价508
4.Entertainment Services 娱乐服务510
5.The Beginning of the Hospitality and Food Services Industry 旅馆及饮食业的起源512
(4)Food and Drink 餐饮514
1.Methods of Food Service 饮食服务的方法514
2.Hotels and Restaurants 旅馆和饭店517
3.Chinese Tea 中国茶519
4.Beverages during a Chinese Meal 中餐的酒水521
1.Differences in Processing Advertising Information 广告信息处理中的差异523
(5)Advertising 广告523
2.The Creative Concept of Advertising 广告的创造性思想525
3.The Information Age of Advertising 广告的信息时代527
4.Classic Advertisements 经典广告529
Ⅷ.Politics 政治篇533
(1)Ethics 伦理道德535
1.The Lark and Her Young Ones 云雀和她的孩子们535
2.The Ostrich in Love 恋爱中的鸵鸟537
3.A Controversial Issue 一个有争议的问题538
4.The Fundamental Wrong Done to Animals 对动物所犯下的根本错误540
5.New Ethics for Euthanasia 安乐死的新道德观542
6.On Self-love and Self-reformation 谈自负和自我改造544
(2)Courtesy 文明礼貌547
1.When and How to Introduce Others 何时及怎样介绍别人547
2.Some Bad Manners in School 校内的无礼行为548
3.To Arrive at Your Host s Home 到主人家作客550
4.About Invitations 关于邀请552
5.The Essence of Good Manners 礼貌的精髓554
6.Table Manners 席间举止555
(3)Outlook 人生观557
1.The Bliss of Going Home 回家的巨大幸福557
2.The Courage to Accept Our Limitations 敢于承认自身局限的勇气559
3.Man and the Universe 人和宇宙561
4.My Confidence in the Twentieth Century 我对20世纪的信心562
5.Something to Do 有事可干564
6.To the Youth 致青年567
(4)Current Event Survey 时事评论569
1.Fed s Minimal Move 美联储最低限度的措施569
2.Israel s New Coalition 以色列的新联盟571
3.Good News form Africa 非洲传来的喜讯573
4.Tobacco s Tribulations 烟草的磨难576
5.Hillary Clinton s Role 克拉里·克林顿的身份578
Ⅸ.Practical Writings 应用篇581
1.Applying for a Position as a Teacher of Chinese 申请一个中文教师的职位583
(1)Application to Go Abroad 申请出国583
2.Applying for a Trainee Position in a Corporation 申请在一家公司实习584
3.Applying for MA Degree 申请文科硕士学位586
4.Applying for Scholarship 申请奖学金588
5.E-mial of Applying for Teaching Assistantship 申请助教教职的电子邮件590
(2)Autobiography 自我介绍592
1.Autobiography(1) 自我介绍(1)592
2.Autobiography(2) 自我介绍(2)594
3.Autobiography(3) 自我介绍(3)595
4.Autobiography(4) 自我介绍(4)597
5.Autobiography(5) 自我介绍(5)599
1.Resume(1) 个人简历(1)601
(3)Resume 个人简历601
2.Resume(2) 个人简历(2)604
3.Resume(3) 个人简历(3)606
4.Resume(4) 个人简历(4)611
5.Resume(5) 个人简历(5)615
(4)Mini-essays 论文617
1.On Freedom 论自由617
2.On the Dangers Threatening the Earth s Trees 论威胁地球树木的危险619
3.On What Makes a Leader 论造就领袖的条件621
4.On Electronic Tutors 论电子家教623
5.On Phobias 论恐惧症625
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