
- 李开荣主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国书籍出版社
- ISBN:7506809125
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:648页
- 文件大小:25MB
- 文件页数:691页
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(一)现代工业Modern Industry1
(一) 现代工业Modern Industry1
1.工业类型Types of Industries1
2.工业改革Reform in Industry3
3.工业产权Industrial Property Right7
(1)发明和革新Invention and Innovation7
4.工业材料Industrial Materials10
(1)材料技术Material Technology10
(2)工业材料类型Types of Industrial Material14
5.工业废料的综合利用Multiple Utilization of Industrial Wastes18
(1)工业废料及污染Industrial Wastes and Pollution18
(2)三废处理Three Wastes Treatment18
6.其他工业用语Other Industrial Terms19
(二)工厂Factories and Plants21
1.工厂名称Names of Factories21
(二)工厂Factories and Plants21
2.工厂机构Factory Institutions26
(1)工厂组织Factory Organizations26
(2)工厂科室Factory Sections and Offices27
(4)工作室、检验室等Operating Rooms,Laboratories,etc.28
3.职工Staff and Workers29
(三)企业管理Enterprise Management32
(1)企业类型Kinds of Enterprises32
(三)企业管理Enterprise Management32
(2)企业组织形式Forms of Enterprise Organizations33
2.企业管理原理、组织及领导Principle,Organization and Leadership of Enterprise Management34
3.计划管理与经营决策Planning Management and Managerial Decision Making35
(1)计划与指标Plans and Indicators35
(2)统计、决策与合同Statistics,Decision-Making and Contracts36
4.科技管理Management of Science and Technology38
(1)新技术、新产品开发Development of New Technology and New Products38
(2)设计与工艺管理Design and Process Management38
(3)科研管理Management of Scientific Research39
5.生产管理Production Management40
(1)生产过程组织Organization of Production Process40
(2)质量管理Quality Control41
(3)设备管理Equipment Management41
(4)物资管理Materials and Equipment Management42
(5)能源管理与环境保护Energy Management and Environmental Protection42
6.劳动人事管理Labour and Personnel Management43
(1)雇工制度Employment System43
(2)工资制度Wage System44
7.劳动保险Lobour Insurance45
8.劳动保护Labour Protection46
9.市场与销售管理Market and Sales Management47
10.财务管理Financial Management49
(1)资金管理Fund Management49
(2)利润管理Profit Management49
(5)经济核算Economic Calculation50
(4)成本管理Cost Management50
(6)会计与审计Accounting and Auditing51
11.系统工程Systems Engineering51
二、工业企业Industrial Enterprises53
(一)矿业Mining Industry53
1.矿业资源Mining Resources53
二、工业企业Industrial Enterprises53
(一)矿业Mining Industry53
(1)矿物种类Kinds of Mineral55
(2)金属矿Metallic Ores55
(3)非金属矿Non-metallic Ores57
(1)矿山类型Types of Mines58
4.矿山和人员Mines and Workers58
(3)矿山人员Mining Workers and Staff59
(2)矿山机构与设备Mine Institutions and Equipment59
2.煤系和煤矿开采Coal Series and Mining60
(1)煤系Coal Series60
3.井巷工程Shaft Sinking and Roadway Drivage62
(1)打井Shaft Sinking62
(2)巷道工程Roadway Drivage63
(3)运输机及索道运输Conveyor and Ropeway Haulage64
(2)巷道运输Roadway Haulage64
(1)井筒提升Shaft Hoisting64
7.矿山机械Mining Machinery65
6.煤炭加工Coal Processing65
8.矿山安全Mine Safety66
(1)发电Electric Power Generation67
1.电力工程Power Engineering67
(2)发电站Power Station68
(3)发电机及其他发电装置Generator and Other Electric Generating Devices68
(4)发电技术Power Generating Technology69
2.水力发电Hydroelectric Generation70
(1)水力发电工程Hydraulic Electrogeneration Engineering70
(2)水轮发电机Hydraulic Generator70
(1)蒸汽发电站Stearm Generating Station70
3.火力发电Thermal Power Generation70
(2)汽轮机Steam Turbine71
(3)燃气轮机发电机组Gas Turbogenerator71
4.电子能发电站Atomic Power Station72
5.电力控制Power Control72
(1)控制系统Control System72
(3)电器及仪表Electrical Appliances and Meters73
6.变电Power Transformation73
7.电力输送Power Transmission74
(2)金属冶炼Metal Smelting75
1.金属和金属冶炼Metals and Metal Smelting75
2.炼铁Iron Smelting76
(1)选矿Ore Dressing76
(2)高炉Blast Furnace77
3.炼钢Steel Smelting77
4.轧钢和热处理Rolling and Heat Treatment of Steel79
(1)轧钢Steel Polling79
(2)钢材Steel Products79
(3)轧钢设备Rolling Equipment79
(4)钢的热处理Heat Treatment of Steel80
5.钢的种类Types of Steel80
(1)焦化厂Coking Plant81
(2)煤气加工Coal Gas Processing82
2.油田、机构和人员Oil Fields,Institutions and Personnel83
(1)油田Oil Field83
1.石油地质Petroleum Geology83
(1)石油的生成Origin and Accumulation of Patroleum83
(2)油田人员Oil Field Personnel84
(3)石油机构Oil Institutions84
3.石测勘探Petroleum Exploration84
4.石油钻井Petroleum Drilling85
(1)石油工程Petroleum Engineering85
(2)钻井设备Drilling Equipment86
(2)石油开采Petroleum Recovering87
6.采油Crude Oil Production87
(1)油井Oil Well87
5.海上钻井Offshore Drilling87
(1)油、气储存Oil and Gas Storage88
7.油、气储存和运输Storage and Transportation of Oil and Gas88
(2)油、气运输Oil and Gas Transportation89
8.石油精制Petroleum Refining89
(1)炼油Oil Refining89
(2)炼油设备Refining Equipment90
9.原油产品Crude Oil Products91
1.化工机构和化工设备Chemical Institution and Equipment92
(1)化工机构Chemical Institutions92
(2)化工设备Chemical Equipment92
(1)无机原料Inorganic Raw Materials93
2.化工原料Chemical Raw Materials93
(2)有机原料Organic Raw Materials94
3.单元过程Unit Processes95
4.单元操作Unit Operations96
5.化工产品Products of Chemical Industry97
1.石油化工生产Petrochemical Production97
(1)主要原料Principal Raw Materials97
(2)生产技术Production Technique98
(1)基本石油化工产品Primary Petrochemicals98
(2)基本石化产品的应用Use of Primary Petrochemicals99
(1)机械工人Machine Worders99
1.机械工人与机构Workers and Institutions of Machinery99
(2)机械工业机构Machinery Institutions100
(1)机械种类Types of Machinery101
(2)设备类型Types of Equipment101
2.机械和设备Machinery and Equipment101
(1)机械设计Machinery Design102
3.设计、制图和试验Designing,Drawing and Testing102
(2)机械制图Mechanical Drafting103
(1)铸造工艺Casting Technology104
(3)熔化设备Melting Plant105
(4)铸造机械Casting Machinery105
(2)热处理Heat Treatment106
(1)锻造工艺与设备Forging Technology and Equipment106
(3)冷处理Cold Treatment107
(1)机械加工工艺Machining Technology107
(2)机械制造工艺Machine Manufacturing Technology108
(3)公差、变形和腐蚀Tolerance,Deformation and Corrosion109
7.机械操作和保养Machinery Operation and Maintenance109
(1)机械操作Machinery Operation109
(2)机械保养Machinery Maintenance110
8.机械性能Mechanical Performance111
9.机械系统和机械装置Mechanical Systems and Devices114
(1)机械系统Mechanical System114
(2)机械装置Mechanical Device114
(2)轮、齿轮和凸轮Wheels,Gears and Cams115
(1)零部件Rarts and Spares115
10.机件Machine Parts115
(4)汽缸与轴颈Cylinder and Journal116
(3)轴与轴承Shafts and Bearings116
(5)手柄、夹具与板(盘) Handle,Fixture and Plate117
(7)管道与阀门Pipe and Valve118
11.机床Machine tool119
(1)机床和刀具Machine Tools and Cutting Tools119
(3)镗床和铣床Borer and Mill119
(5)磨床、插床与及其他Grinder,Slotting Machine and Others120
(4)钻床和刨床Drill and Planer120
(1)发动机种类Types of Engine122
13.电动机Electric Motor122
(1)电动机种类Types of Motor122
(1)锅炉类型Types of Boiler123
(1)泵的类型Types of Pump124
(2)锅炉结构与设备Structure and Equipment of a Boiler124
(2)泵的结构Pump Structure126
16.升降机、起重机及运输机Elevator,Crane and Conveyer126
(4)绞车与其他Winches and Others127
17.压缩机、压力机及其他机械Compressor,Press and Others128
18.手工具Hand Tool129
1.电子工业机构Electronics Industrial Institutions130
(九)电子工业Electronic Industry130
(九)电子工业Electronic Industry130
2.电子设备Electronic Equipment131
3.电子技术Electronic Technology132
4.无线电收音机Radio Receiver133
5.电视[接收]机Television Receiver134
6.电子计算机Electronic Computer137
7.电子数字计算机Electronic Digital Computer138
(十)仪表工业Meter Industry140
1.量具Measuring Tools140
2.工业用仪表Industrial Devices and Gauges140
(十)仪表工业Meter Industry140
3.实验仪器Laboratory Apparatus141
(1)普通实验仪器General Laboratory Apparatus141
(2)测绘仪器Survey and Drawing Apparatus144
(3)量规类Measuring Gauges145
(6)镜类Mirrors and Lens147
(7)计、表类Meters and Gauges148
(十一)医疗设备工业Medical Equipment Industry149
1.诊断、治疗器械及用品Appliance for Diagnosis and Treatment149
(十一)医疗设备工业Medical Equipment Industry149
2.手术器械及用品Operating Appliance151
1.造船工业机构、人员和设备Shipbuilding Institutions,Personnel and Equipment153
2.造船工艺 Technology of Shipbuilding154
3.船的构造Ship Structure155
4.机动船舶Powered Vessels156
5.非机动船舶Non-powered Vessels157
6.客货船Passenger and Cargo Ship158
(1)船舶结构Ship Structure158
(2)船舶性能Ship Characteristics160
7.航海器具Navigation Appliance161
(十三)航天工业Space Industry161
1.空间技术Space Technology161
(十三)航天工业Space Industry161
5.航天飞机与太空航行Space Shuttle and Navigation170
(1)航天飞机Space Shuttles170
(2)太空航行Space Navigation171
(十四)飞机制造业Aircraft Manufacturing Industry172
1.民航飞机Civil Aircraft172
(1)民航机类型Types of Civil Aircraft172
(十四)飞机制造业Aircraft Manufacturing Inedustry172
(3)民航直升机Civil Helicopter173
(1)客机类型Types of Passenger Plane174
2.客机Passenger Palne174
(4)民用轻航空器Civil Aerostats174
(2)客机设备Airliner Accommodation175
3.民航运输机Civil Transport Planes175
(1)运输机种类Types of Transport Plane175
(2)运输机设备Freighter Accommodation176
(十五)机车制造业Locomotive Making Industry177
(十五)机车制造业Locomotive Making Industry177
1.机车种类Types of Locomotive177
4.飞行用品Flight Necessities177
2.机车结构Locomotive Structure178
3.蒸汽机车Steam Locomotive178
4.内燃机车Diesel Locomotive179
5.电力机车Electric Locomotive179
6.货运列车Goods Trains180
(十六)汽车工业Automobile Industry181
1.运输车辆Transport Vehicles181
(十六)汽车工业Automobile Industry181
(2)动力系统Dynamic System182
2.载客车辆Passenger Vehicles182
(3)冷却系统(散热系统) Cooling System183
(4)电系Electric System183
(5)车体Automobile Body183
(6)汽车车轮Automobile Wheel184
(8)车内设备与装潢Interior Trim and Appointments184
(9)燃料系统及其他Fuel System and Others184
5.汽车维修Car Maintenance and Repair185
(1)保养与维修Maintenance and Repair185
(2)维修设备与工具Facilities and Tools for Motorcar Repair186
(十七)农业机械工业Agricultural Machinery Industry187
(十七)农业机械工业Agricultural Machinery Industry187
5.选种、播种和移植机具Selectors,Seeders and Transplanting Machines190
(2)播种、种植机具Seeders and Planters190
(3)移植机具Transplanting Machines191
(1)中耕机具Implements for Inter-cultivation191
6.中耕、施肥机具Cultivators and Manure Distributors191
(2)施肥机具Manure Distributors192
7.收割机械Harvesting Machinery192
(2)割草机械Mowing Machinery193
8.作物处理机械Crop-processing Machinery193
(1)脱粒机械Threshing Machinery193
(2)谷场、谷仓用机械Barn Machinery193
(3)作物干燥设备Crop Drying Equipment194
9.其他农用机械Other Agricultural Machinery194
10.农具Farm Tools195
(十八)建筑工业Building Industry197
(十八)建筑工业Building Industry197
1.建筑机构和人员Building Institutions and Parsonnel197
(1)建材种类Kinds of Building Materials198
2.建筑材料Building Material198
(2)粘结材料Cementing Material199
(3)建筑石、砂、钢筋Building Stone,Sand and Reinforced Steel199
(4)砖瓦Brick and Tile200
(6)涂料及其他材料Paints and Others201
3.建筑机械和器具Building Machinery,Apparatus and Tools202
(1)建筑机械Builder s Machinery202
(2)建筑器具Builder s Apparatus and Tools203
4.建筑工程Construction Project206
(1)城市规划和土地开发City Planning and Landscaping206
(2)测量和设计Survey and Design206
(4)房屋建设Housing Construction208
(5)基础工程Foundation Work209
(7)屋面结构Roof Construction210
(6)墙体工程及骨架承重结构Wall Building and Skeleton Construction210
(8)地板和天花板Floor and Ceiling211
(1)建筑和建筑物Architecture and Buildings213
(2)建筑物类型Types of Buildings213
(3)建筑物各部分Parts of a Building214
(5)现代建筑物Modern Buildings216
(4)房屋设备Building Installation216
(6)中国古典建筑物Chinese Classical Buildings217
(7)西式建筑物Western-Style Buildings218
6.道路建设Road Construction219
(1)道路类型Types of Road219
(2)道路设置Road Laying220
(3)道路结构与养护Road Structure and Maintenance220
(5)公路铺建Road Construction221
(6)筑路机械Road Making Machinery222
7.桥梁建设Bridge Building222
(1)桥梁类型Types of Bridge222
(2)桥梁结构Bridge Structure223
(3)桥梁建造Bridge Building224
8.铁路建设Railway Construction224
(1)铁路和铁路线Railway and Railway Lines224
(2)铁路定线Railway Location225
(3)轨道铺设Track Laying225
(1)港口种类Kinds of Port227
9.港口建设Port Building227
(4)登山铁路Mountain Railway227
(2)港口结构Harbour Accommodation228
(3)港口其他设施Other Installations in Dock Area229
10.机场建设Airfield Building229
(1)机场种类Kinds of Airfield229
(2)机场建筑与设施Airport Buildings and Installations230
(4)机场灯光、标志Airport Lights and Markings230
(十九)木材加工Timber Processing231
(十九)木材加工Timber Processing231
2.制材和加工Lumber Manufacture and Woodworking232
4.木工工具Woodworking Tools233
3.木工机械Woodworking Machinery233
(2)纺织机构Textile Institutions235
(1)纺织工人Textile Workers235
1.纺织工人和纺织机构Textile Workers and Institutions235
2.棉纺Cotton Spinning236
(1)清棉与混棉Scutching and Mixing236
(3)粗纺和精纺Roving and Spinning236
(4)气流纺纱Open-End Spinning236
3.棉织Cotton Weaving237
(1)整经与穿经Warping and Entry237
(1)织物的预处理Pre-treatment of Fabric239
(2)织物染色Fabric Dyeing239
4.印染Printing and Dyeing239
(3)织物印花Fabric Printing240
(1)织物后整理After-treatment of Fabric241
(2)质量检验等Quality Inspection,etc.241
5.织物整理Fabric Finishing241
(1)选茧与缫丝Cocoon Sorting and Silk Reeling242
(2)丝纺Silk Spinning242
(3)丝织物Silk Fabric242
(1)毛纺与毛织工艺Wool Spinning and Weaving243
10.化纤Chemical Fibre245
(1)化纤种类Kinds of Chemical Fibre245
(2)化纤工艺Chemical Fibre Processing245
1.炼胶Rubber Processing246
2.橡胶种类Types of Rubber246
(1)基本拼料Basic Ingredients247
1.塑料的拼份Ingredients of Plastics247
3.橡胶性能Properties of Rubber247
(2)配料Compounding Ingredients248
2.制造工艺Manufacturing Technology249
3.塑料制件Plastic Pieces250
4.塑料制造用机械及仪表plastics Manufacturing Machinery and Instruments250
6.塑料种类Varieties of Plastics252
7.塑料性能Properties of Plastics253
1.玻璃制造Glass Making254
2.玻璃种类Types of Glass255
1.中国陶瓷Chinese Ceramics257
2.陶瓷工艺Ceramic Technology258
3.陶瓷种类Types of Ceramics259
1.原材料处理Treatment of Raw Materials260
3.打浆和施胶Beating and Sizing262
4.抄纸Paper Making262
5.造纸厂产品Paper Mill Products263
2.印刷的种类Kinds of Printing265
1.印刷术Art of Printing265
3.排版Type Setting267
(3)铸铅字Type Casting269
4.制版Plate Making270
(1)铅版制作Stereotype Making270
(2)电铸版和铜锌板制作Electrotyping and Block Making270
(4)胶版制作Offset Platemaking271
(5)照相制版Photomechanical Reproduction271
(1)印刷工艺Printing Technology273
(2)印刷机Printing Press274
(3)胶印机Offset Press274
(4)其他印刷机械Other Printing Machines275
(5)油墨与烫金Ink and Bronzing275
(1)复印工艺Duplicating Technology276
(2)复印设备Duplicating Device277
(1)装订工序Finishing Process277
(2)装订本书籍Bound Books279
(3)装订机械Binding Machinery279
(1)罐头生产Canned Food Production280
(二十七)食品加工Food Processing280
(二十七)食品加工Food Processing280
(2)罐头食品Canned Food281
2.乳品厂Dairy Products Plant281
4.糖果厂Confectionery Manufactory283
(1)糖果制造Candy Making283
(4)冰淇淋、冰棍制作Ice-cream and Ice-sucker Making284
(5)汽水制作Aerated Water Making284
5.粮油加工Grain and Edible Oils Processing285
(1)粮食加工与榨油Grain Processing and Oil Pressing285
(2)粮油加工机械Grain and Edible Oils Processing Machines285
6.茶叶、咖啡和可可加工Processing of Tea,Coffee and Cocoa285
(1)茶叶加工Tea Processing285
(2)咖啡、可可加工Coffee and Cocoa Processing286
1.制糖工艺Sugar Refining Technology287
(1)取汁Juice Extraction287
(2)清汁Juice Purification287
2.糖类及糖厂副产品Sugars and By-products of Sugar Refinery288
(1)糖类名称Names of Sugar288
(3)煮炼Boiling until Crystallization288
(2)糖厂副产品By-products of Sugar Refinery289
(二十九)卷烟Cigarette Making289
1.卷烟工艺Cigarette Making Technology289
(二十九)卷烟Cigarette Making289
2.烟草加工机械Tobacco Processing Machinery290
1.啤酒酿造Beer Brewing290
2.蒸馏酒生产Production of Distilled Spirits291
(三十一)工艺美术Arts and Crafts292
3.酿酒机械Beer Brewing and Wine Making Machinery292
(三十一)工艺美术Arts and Crafts292
1.象牙雕刻Ivory Carving292
2.其他手工艺Other Handicrafts293
(三十二)乡镇企业Village-and-town Enterprise295
(三十二)乡镇企业Village-and-town Enterprise295
(1)畜力车Animal-driven Cart295
1.农用车辆修造厂Farming Vehicles Yard295
2.编织场Weaving and Braiding Shop296
3.木工场Carpenter s Yard297
4.采石场和石灰窑Quarry Yard and Limekiln298
5.砖瓦厂Brickyard and Tilery299
6.水泥厂Cement Plant300
8.烧炭场Charcoal-kiln Site300
11.毛皮加工场Hide and Fur Processing Workshop301
12.大车铺Cartwright s Shop303
13.马具铺Harness-maker s Shop303
17.农村作坊Village Workshops305
(2)面坊Flour Mill305
(3)碾坊Grain Mill305
(4)油坊Oil Mill305
(5)豆腐房Bean-curd Plant305
(6)糖房Sugar Mill306
(7)粉房Bean Noodle Mill306
三、信息通信工业Information and Communication Industry307
1. 新闻分类 News Classification307
三、信息通信工业Information and Communication Industry307
2. 新闻业务 News Service308
3. 新闻机构 News Organ310
(二)广播 Broadcast310
1. 广播种类 Kinds of Broadcast310
2. 广播节目 Broadcasting Programme311
3. 节目播放 Broadcasting313
4. 广播技术 Broadcasting Technique313
5. 广播器材 Broadcasting Equipment314
(1) 播放器材 Broadcasting Equipment314
(2) 录音器材 Recording Equipment314
(3) 收音器材 Radios317
(4) 唱机 Record Player319
(5) 话筒 Microphone320
(6) 耳机 Earphone320
6. 广播机构及人员 Broadcasting Institutions and Personnel320
(三)电视 Television322
1. 电视与电视技术 Television and Television Technology322
(1) 电视种类 Types of Television322
(2) 电视技术 Television Technology322
2. 电视节目 Television Programme323
3. 电视播放与收看 Television Broadcasting and Reception326
(1) 电视播放 Television Broadcasting326
(2) 电视收看 Television Reception326
4. 电视制作 Television Production327
(1) 电视播放设备 Television Broadcasting Equipment329
(2) 电视摄像机 Television Camera329
5. 电视器材 Television Equipment329
(3) 录像器材 Video Recording Equipment330
(4) 电视接收器材 Television Receiving Equipment330
6. 电视台、电视工作人员及电视组织 Television Station,Teletricians and Telecasting Organization332
(四)报纸 Newspaper333
1. 报纸种类 Types of Newspaper333
2. 报纸出版与发行 Newspaper Publication and Distribution334
(1) 报纸出版 Newspaper Publication334
(2) 报纸发行 Newspaper Distribution335
3. 稿件与内容 Contribution and Copy336
(1) 报纸稿件 Newspaper Contribution336
(2) 报纸内容Copy336
4. 报社及人员 Newspaper Office and Staff338
(五)杂志 Magazine340
1. 刊物种类 Kinds of Publication340
2. 杂志编辑与出版 Magazine Editing and Publication342
3. 杂志编撰人员等 Magazine Editors,Contributors,etc.343
(六)出版 Publishing343
1. 书籍编纂 Book Compiling343
2. 编辑与校对 Editing and Proof-Reading346
(1) 编辑 Editing346
(2) 校对 Proof-Reading347
3. 书籍印刷与发行 Book Printing and Distributing348
(1) 印刷 Printing348
4. 出版物 Publication350
(1) 出版物种类 Kinds of Publication350
(2) 发行 Distributing350
(2) 书籍 Books351
(3) 版本 Edition354
5. 出版机构与人员 Publishing Agency and Personnel356
(1) 出版社、出版公司等 Publishing House,Company,etc.356
(2) 出版社各部门 Departments,Sections,etc.357
(3) 编辑、出版人员 Publishing and Editing Personnel357
(七)邮政 Post358
1. 邮政系统 Postal System358
(1) 邮电机构 Establishments of Post and Telecommunication358
(2) 邮局各部门 Departments,Offices,etc.359
(3) 邮电人员 Postal Personnel359
2. 邮政业务 Postal Service360
3. 邮递 Posting and Delivering361
4. 邮件 Post363
(1) 邮件种类 Kinds of Post(/mail)363
(2) 信件 Letters363
(3) 明信片 Postcards364
(4) 信封与信笺 Envelopes and Letter Paper365
(5) 邮政包裹 Postal Parcels365
5. 邮资、邮票 Postage and Stamps366
(1) 邮资 Postage366
(2) 邮票 Stamps366
6. 邮政设备 Postal Equipment367
(八)电报 Telegraph368
1. 电报系统 Telegraph System368
(1) 电报局 Telegraph Office368
(2) 电报局职工 Telegraph Office Workers368
2. 电报业务 Telegraphic Service368
3. 电报 Telegram370
4. 用户直通电报 Telex371
5. 电报设备 Telegraphic Equipment372
(1) 电报机械 Telegraphic Machinery372
(2) 电报机零部件 Telegraph Parts373
(3) 电报电码 Telegraphic Code373
(1) 电话局 Telephone Office374
(2) 机房、电话台、交换机等 Rooms,Services,Switchboards,Exchanges,etc.374
(九)电话 Telephone374
1. 电话系统 Telephone System374
(3) 电话局职工、用户等 Telephone Office Workers,Subscribers,etc.375
2. 电话业务 Telephone Traffic375
3. 电话设备 TelePhone EquipMent377
(1) 电话机种类 Kinds of Telephone Set377
(3) 其他电话机具 Other Telephone Equipment378
(2) 电话机结构 Structure of a Telephone Set378
(4) 电话线路 Telephone Lines378
(5) 电话用电缆等 Telephone Cables,etc.379
四、军事工业Military Industry380
四、军事工业 Military Industry380
(一) 武器 Weapons380
1. 武器种类 Kinds of Weapon380
2. 枪械 Firearms381
(1) 枪械种类 Kinds of Firearm381
(2) 枪械构造 Firearm Components381
3. 炮 Cannons381
(1) 炮的种类 Kinds of Cannon381
4. 军用飞机 Military Airplanes382
(2) 炮的构造 Cannon Components382
(1) 军用飞机种类 Kinds of Military Airplane382
(3) 轰炸机 Bomber383
(2) 战斗机 Fighter383
(4) 截击机 Interceptor384
(5) 侦察机 Reconnaissance Airplane384
(6) 运输机 Transport384
(7) 教练机 Trainer384
(8) 滑翔机 Glider384
(1)装甲战斗车辆种类 Kinds of Armored Fighting Vehicle385
(9) 直升机 Helicopter385
(10)军用飞机零部件 Military Aeroplane Parts385
5.装甲战斗车辆 Armored Fighting Vehicle385
(2)装甲车辆结构 Armored Vehicle Components386
6.军舰 Warship386
(1)海军舰艇 Naval Vessel386
(2)战斗舰只 Combatant Ships387
(3)其他舰只 Other Ships387
7.导弹 Missile387
8.火箭 Rocket388
1.子弹、手榴弹、炸药 Bullet,Hand-Grenade,Explosive,etc.389
(1)子弹 Cartridge389
(二)弹药 Ammunition389
9.军用卫星 Military Satellite389
(2)手榴弹 Hand-grenade390
(3)炸药 Explosive390
2.炸弹 Fragmentation Bomb390
3.炮弹 Shell391
4.雷 Mine392
5.弹药部件等 Ammunition Components,etc.392
(三)军事装备Military Equipment393
(三)军事装备 Military Equipment393
1.军车、军船、军马等 Military Vehicle,Boat,Army Horse,etc.393
2.雷达、望远镜、探照灯等 Radar,Telescope,Searchlight,etc.394
3.防护、医疗装备 Protective and Medical Equipment394
4.其他装备 Other Equipment395
(四)军需 Military Supplies395
1.给养 Provisions395
(四)军需Military Supplies395
2.被服 Bedding and Clothing396
3.军用徽章 Military Badges397
五、现代工业技术Modern Industrial Technology398
(一)计算机技术Computer Technology398
五、现代工业技术 Modern Industrial Technology398
(一)计算机技术 Computer Technology398
1.计算机和计算机技术 Computer and Computer Technology398
(1)计算机 Computer398
(2)计算机技术 Computer Technology399
2.硬件系统 Hardware Systems401
(1)计算机内部器件 Computer Internal Device401
(2)计算机外部设备 Computer External Device402
3.软件系统 Software Systems402
(1)软件系统 Software System402
(2)软件术语 Software Terms405
4.计算机编程 Computer Programming418
5.计算机语言 Computer Language446
6.计算机网络 Computer Networking452
(二)信息技术Information Technology471
(二)信息技术 Information Technology471
1.数据库 Database471
2.文本处理 Text Processing473
3.计算机集成制造 CIM;Computer Intergrated Manufacturing474
4.OSI结构 OSI Structure475
5.办公自动化 Office Automation(OA)476
6.汉语信息处理 Chinese Language Information Processing477
(1)汉字编码 Chinese Character Coding477
(2)汉语理解 Chinese Understanding479
(3)机器翻译 Machine Translation480
(三)人工智能和机器人技术 Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Technology481
1.人工智能 Artificial Intelligence481
(三)人工智能和机器人技术Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Technology481
2.机器人 Robot484
3.机器人技术 Robotic Technology485
(四)生物医学技术Biomedical Technology489
4.机械手 Manipulator489
(四)生物医学技术 Biomedical Technology489
1.生物技术 Biotechnology489
2.卫生及医学技术 Health and Medical Technology491
3.基因工程Gene Engineering495
(五)电子技术Electronic Technology500
(五)电子技术 Electronic Technology500
1.电子技术 Electronic Technology500
2.电子设备 Electronic Equipment508
3.无线电技术 Radio Technology518
4.电视技术 Television Technology526
(六)工业自动化Industrial Automation529
(六)工业自动化 Industrial Automation529
1.自动控制 Automatic Control529
2.遥控 Remote Control547
(七)雷达工程Radar Engineering552
(七)雷达工程 Radar Engineering552
1.雷达技术 Radar Technique552
2.雷达 Radar562
(八)脉冲与射流技术 Pulse and Jet Technology564
1.脉冲技术 Pulse Technology564
(八)脉冲与射流技术Pulse and Jet Technology564
2.射流技术 Jet Technique568
(九)微型化与微波技术Miniaturization and Microwave Technology570
(九)微型化与微波技术 Miniaturization and Microwave Technology570
1.微型化及显微技术 Miniature and Microtechnique570
2.微波技术 Microwave Technology577
(十)光技术 Optical Technology579
1.光学技术 Optical Technology579
(十)光技术Optical Technology579
2.光电技术 Photoelectric Technology583
3.光纤技术 Fibre-optic Technology587
4.红外、紫外技术 Infrared and Ultraviolet Technology590
(十一)激光技术 Laser Technology593
1.激光 Laser593
(十一)激光技术Laser Technology593
2.激光器 Laser601
(十二)声技术与数字技术Acoustic and Digital Technology605
(十二)声技术与数字技术 Acoustic and Digital Technology605
1.声技术 Acoustic Technology605
2.数字技术 Digital Technology610
1.海洋工程 Ocean engineering614
(十三)海洋技术 Oceanology614
2.海洋技术 Oceanology618
3.近海技术 Offshore Technology620
(十四)核技术 Nuclear Technology623
1.核工程学 Nuclear Engineering623
(十四)核技术Nuclear Technology623
2.热核技术 Thermonuclear Technology630
3.放射学 Radiology631
4.核电技术 Nuclear Power Technology635
5.核试验 Nuclear Test636
1.能源开发 Energy Development637
(十五)能源开发技术Energy Development Technology637
(十五)能源开发技术 Energy Development Technology637
2.新能源 New Energy Sources640
3.太阳能 Solar Energy644
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